8 • inej watches as things unfold • 8

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inej didn't understand what had happened with jesper nor why kaz wasn't immediately going to figure it out. she had made a promise to herself that if by the end of the day kaz hadn't gone asking around she'd take matter into her own hands, and because of this promise she was forced to follow after him, watching his every move.

the day started as a normal day did. he drove to school and attended first period english. he submitted his work, answered questions, and followed directions as any good student would. it was interesting to see how different kaz was in all his other classes than the one with geels, but she didn't have much time to dwell on that because when the second period bell rang all normalities stopped.

instead of going to his second period business studies -why he chose to take that useless subject, she had no idea- he headed towards the office. when she entered the room she was surprised to see that neither the secretary or bolliger was there, and that kaz was behind bolliger's desk, shuffling through files. this struck her as even more odd because he usually sent her to do such things. he wouldn't risk being caught unless...well, unless it was part of a bigger plan with various moving parts. however she hadn't been told about such a plan, and so she wasn't sure what those moving parts would be.

inej watched as kaz pulled a file and put it under his shirt, then turned his attention to bolligers computer. she wouldn't be surprised if he was getting information on the man, but then the thought of his promise to keep wylan's grades up went through her head and she figured that he was doing that instead. in fact, maybe he was doing both. either way, the entire process took about a minute and kaz looked satisfied with himself, but instead of leaving the space he stayed and sat in bolligers chair.

as the seconds ticked into minutes inej's interest only piqued higher. kaz had no reason to be in the older man's office, yet he was, and by the looks of it he was trying to pass the time. then, after several minutes, much to her horror, bolliger came into the room. she fell behind the secretaries desk and watched the entire situation unravel from there.

"brekker? what are you doing behind my desk? are you looking through my computer?"

she had seen kaz click his mouse at the last moment to make it look like he was still searching for something - she still didn't see why, though. why would kaz frame himself when he could have left without consequence?

"of course not."

inej could hear the sarcasm drip from his voice, and she suddenly wondered if he was trying to get detention.

"get out from behind there, boy! you can't come into my office and search through my things!"

she watched as kaz stood and glanced towards the door, however he didn't look at her. she could tell that he was waiting for something, or someone, and until they came he'd have to bide his time.

"why not? patricia," she recognized that name as the secretaries, "comes into your office and searches through your things all the time, if you know what I mean."

her lip curled in disgust as he spoke. apparently there was an affair between bolliger and the younger woman, though she still didn't see how that information was going to do anything, and then it all fell into place.

almost like clockwork a tall, blond teenager entered the room, and bolliger pushed kaz to the ground. she moved to stand, but kaz caught her eye before she could do so, and she caught his hint. this was supposed to happen. she didn't know why, but he meant to be assaulted.

the blond, well-built teenager -of whom she recognized as matthais helvar- stared at the scene in front of him with wide eyes and raised brows. all he had seen was kaz forced to the ground by a grown man, not what had happened beforehand.

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