6 • wylan is surprised af • 6

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wylan didn't understand that why when he opened his front door he was met with the sight of kaz brekker. specifically, because the last words the teen had said to him were 'we won't stay in touch. you don't know me, I don't know you. I owe you nothing'. what he understood less was why behind kaz stood the girl with the dark hair and the guy named jesper, and why jesper was using the girl as his total support system.

"we're coming in now."

he automatically stepped back as kaz pushed his way into the house, followed by the two others. he then shut the door and stepped in line behind them as his curiosity began to rise. he couldn't help but be curious as to why they were there and why jesper wasn't completely conscious, though despite this he couldn't help but let his slight annoyance at the sudden situation shine through.

"what if I was doing something? what if I had someone over?"

he flinched as kaz cleared off the dining table in one quick motion and turned to face him. the other teens stare was one that screamed not to push his buttons at such a time, and wylan made note of it.

"well you didn't, did you?"

he shook his head in response, then watched as kaz diverted his attention away from him and back to the problem at hand: whatever the hell was going on with the unconscious guy.

watching kaz work was quite interesting. he took his stance leaning against a wall as jesper was put on the table and slapped a couple of times. he assumed they were trying to wake him up, or make sure he wasn't dead. wyaln hoped he wasn't dead as he really wasn't in the mood to have a body to dispose of, nor to be an accessory to whatever crime was committed.

when kaz turned back towards wylan and began walking his way he stood up a little straighter as he was somewhat eager to hear what was going to be said. he didn't have high hopes that he'd be told what had happened, but at this time any information would be valued.

"we need to talk."

wylan once again nodded his head, and once again followed behind the guy as he walked into the hallway separating the dining room from the other spaces. it was a very small house, but it fit his needs perfectly.

"what's going on? is that guy okay?"

kaz stopped once inside the bathroom and shut the door to keep the privacy of the small space. he could have sworn he saw a shadow outside the door, but as soon as it was there it was gone, and his mind drifted away from whether or not the girl with the braid had followed them to listen in on the conversation.

"none of what has happened today concerns you."

wylan's face fell into slight confusion.

"sure, okay. but you brought him to my house, so doesn't it at least kind of concern me?"

he watched as kaz's jaw clenched and for a moment he thought he may have gone too far. that was, until kaz looked back at him with a determined look.

"it doesn't, but..." with a sigh and a final glance to the door kaz seemed to give up his internal battle. he lowered his voice and continued to speak. "all you need to know is that jesper is going to stay with you for a couple of days. i have a life and can't deal with keeping him company."

wylan raised a brow at the teens harsh words.

"I have a life too you know. I have school, and I have to-"

"listen to me, wylan. I don't care about whether or not you're going to flunk your history finals, I need you to keep an eye on him. I'm not sure what kind of danger he's gotten himself into, but if you don't keep him out of trouble I will put you in it."

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