inej speaks to a monster

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inej didn't understand why kaz brekker followed her after the meeting. everyone had been able to feel his anger as he argued with wylan and matthias -hell, he even stormed out of the room!- and yet there he was, joined in her step.

kaz hadn't tried to sneak up on her and didn't attempt to keep quiet, but he also didn't speak. the two just walked side by side, neither breaking their forward stare to properly acknowledge each other. curiosity was prickling beneath inej's skin, though she knew better than to pry. kaz would speak when he wanted, and he did. it was many minutes later, but the sound of his raspy voice eventually graced -or burdened, she hadn't yet decided- her ears.

"you flinched when i mentioned the foster system."

she didn't speak. inej hadn't meant to visibly react to his earlier words, but she'd been caught extremely off guard.

"is it because of tante heleen?"

again she stayed quiet. kaz also resorted to silence, and after enough time to gather her thoughts she spoke.

"tante heleen is looking for me."

"you're the only one who slipped through her fingers and she wants her property back."


another bout of silence fell over the duo. inej had half a mind to continue to explain her situation and the danger she was in by just walking down the street, but decided to hold off. that wasn't exactly kaz's problem, and she knew that. she knew that he wouldn't want to hear about her issues, and it was proven when kaz suddenly turned and walked away in the opposite direction. he was walking with purpose, but inej assumed that he was annoyed by her situation and lack of confidence in her abilities to keep away from tante heleen.

she watched until his figure disappeared behind a corner and then she continued on her way. unfortunately, the pressing weight in her chest had become almost unbearable after their few shared words. she was becoming a danger to the job, and soon kaz would realize that. if he was smart he would sell her back to tante heleen, and she knew first hand that as dumb as he was, he was also absolutely brilliant. he would do what he needed to do despite the suffering of others.

inej woke to the sound of rapid knocking. her immediate thought was that tante heleen's men had found her and were once again going to rip her from her bed and take her to the hells of the orphanage, then she remembered her promise to nina. the day before they made plans to go and grab breakfast, and she had slept past normal time.

"inej, wake up! you're a half an hour late and i'm freezing my hands off out here! either come out or let me in!"

with a newly found sense of urgency inej forced herself out of bed and threw off her night clothes, changing into something suitable for public. she then splashed her face and brushed her teeth in record time. nina's knocking hadn't ceased throughout her panicked routine, and by the time she opened the door nina's yells had turned dramatic and filled with fake threats.

as soon as the two locked eyes nina's frown turned to a bright grin and she offered her arm to link.

"well don't you look lovely."

inej gave a short laugh and the two began towards the small cafe.

"i just about died waiting for you, you know. there were some pigeons eye-balling me. i was scared for my life."

this pulled a genuine laugh from inej, and for a moment her worries were forgotten. the pain she had felt the night before. the panic that had shaken every breath and stung her eyes was nothing, and she found herself excited for breakfast. maybe she'd even order a plate of waffles and join nina with her insanity.

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