3- I'm here

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It took some time for Jeff to calm down.

"Hey, are you ok?" He asked Jeff in a worried tone.

"I'm ok."

Jeff looked around and saw some people were watching him. He felt a bit embarrassed and about to get up from his seat but the other one got his hand.

"Sit down, Jeff."

"I'm sorry for making you embarrassed. I didn't mean…"

He put his index on Jeff's lips.

"No need to say anything. Did I ask you for an explanation?  So why are you blubbering? You can tell me when you'll feel better. Now Just enjoy the food with me."

He gives a soft smile and wipes away Jeff's tears with his thumb. Jeff can feel the warmth of the other's hand. And his soft voice and care is enough to make him calm down.

The other one moves closer to Jeff and helps him with the food. After finishing the food they paid the bill and left the restaurant.

"Hop on. I'll drive you back to your hotel."

Jeff doesn't reply and nod. He hugged the other one from behind and clenched his shirt. He understands Jeff's situation. Wanted to ask but kept silent.

He drops Jeff in front of the hotel gate.

"Thanks for having dinner with me. Ah…so… Take Care. See you tomorrow at the studio."

Jeff just nodded without expression in his face and went inside.

The other one takes a deep breath and keep staring at Jeff until he disappears from his sight. He starts his bike and drives back.

Jeff enter his room with his empty mind.


Why does this always happen to me? I'm so numb. I just made both of us embarrassed in front of a bunch of people. What will he think about me? Why it's so hard for me to understand? Why do I have to get hurt every time?

Jeff sits down on the cold floor.  Lost in his thoughts again. He falls asleep on the cold floor.

The next day _

Jeff enters the studio where the other one is already waiting for him.

"Hey, Jeff… are you ok?"

"Oh … Sumett…you're already here. Yeah I'm ok."

He gives an awkward smile.

The whole day they couldn't talk with each other. The other one tried to talk but Jeff kinda avoided him.

When it's almost evening, everyone is going back. Jeff is also about to go back but again Mr. Sumett gets him.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

"No…nothing. I've to go now."

Jeff steps forward but the other one got his arm.

"Stop right there. Tell me what's wrong? Why are you avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?"

"No it's not that. Why would you do anything?"

"Why can't you tell me about your problem? You said I'm your friend, right?"

"Well…yesterday… you got to be embarrassed because of me… I'm really sorry for that. And I don't want you to get embarrassed again. "

"Oh…you're still thinking about that silly thing! I thought something serious happened to you. Come on man, I didn't mind anything. Stop worrying. Ok."

Jeff nodded.

"So let's go eat something. I'm hungry."

"I don't wanna go today."

"Don't worry. I'll take you somewhere else. Let's take a walk from here."

They walked for a few minutes and stop by a street food shop. They eat dinner. Mr. Sumett takes Jeff over the bridge where the cold breeze is blowing. Jeff took a deep breath from the fresh air and looked at the night city reflecting on the water.

"How are you feeling right now?"

"So fresh and nice. The view is beautiful. Thanks for taking me here. "

"I'm glad that you like it."

He holds Jeff's hand. Jeff got flinched. He tried to slide his hand but the other one grabbed it a bit tight.


"Don't take it that way. I'm just trying to help you come over the sorrows you have. I don't know what it is but I can tell that you're not well inside. Most of the time your face looks lifeless. I noticed your sad eyes and pale face. It doesn't suit you. A smile suits you. I hope you'll get over everything soon. And as a friend I'm always here for you."

"Why are you doing all these things for me? We've known each other for 2 or 3 days. You don't even know anything about me. Still you're…."

"Bonding doesn't depends on time. It depends how much you know that person and how much effort you're giving to this bond. And whatever I know about you is already enough for me to trust you. And you can trust me. I'm here for you."

Jeff doesn't know what to say anymore. His eyes are tearing up but he holds it. After a long time he's feeling so warm inside by hearing the words of the person's words who's in front of him.

"Thanks, Sumett."

Now Jeff also grips the other's hand tightly and smiles appears both of their lips......

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