9- Wedding

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In the car_

Sumett looked at Jeff a few times while driving. Jeff glares at him.


"Are you ok? I mean feeling better?"

"Why so concerned?"

"You behaved like that and wanted to come home... You were not feeling well or something?"

"I'm good."

"Then why are we heading back? We can spend more time right? Even you were so harsh on my friend. At least you can give him a smile."

"I don't like you let alone your friend. You both irritated me. Now stop asking questions and drive."

Sumett didn't say any words. They reached Jeff's house.

Jeff went down from the car and headed inside.

Sumett: Goodnight!!

Jeff doesn't even bother to look back. Sumett drives back.

Days passed like this. And the day has come which Jeff didn't want to.

It's their wedding day.

It's almost dusk.

Everything is well decorated. The guests are here. The grooms are getting ready.

Jeff dressed up with a Gray blue tuxedo. Apo got a black one. The makeup artist almost finished Jeff's make up.

Jeff is nervous and also uncomfortable. It's time to go to the venue.

Jeff's Mom and Bui are here. Jeff tried to calm down his restless heart. They reached the venue.

Jeff walks forward with flowers in his hands. His father is beside him.

Suddenly his eyes get stuck at Sumett who is wearing a Gray black tuxedo almost the same design as his.

Styled hair with a glass on his sharp eyes looking at Jeff's direction without blinking.

Jeff's heart skipped for a moment. He knows he's falling for that person but no. He's not gonna be weak.

He shook off his thoughts and moved forward. Sumett gives his hand. Jeff doesn't want to but holds it.

They're now standing face to face. Apo and Nam are also beside them.

Apo and Nam already repeat the sentences.

They exchange the rings. Jeff's hand was shaking. He still can't believe that it's happening. Now It's time for them to say the words.

"I, WICHAPAS SUMETTIKUL, take you, JEFF WORAKAMOL SATUR, To be my wedded husband to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, till death do us apart. According to God's holy ordinance, and therefore, I pledge thee my faith."

"I, JEFF WORAKAMOL SATUR, take you, WICHAPAS SUMETTIKUL, to be my wedded husband,... to have and to hold from this day forward,... for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to...lo... love and cherish, till death do us apart.... According to God's holy ordinance, and therefore.... I pledge thee my faith."

The words were stuck at Jeff's throat.

"do you, Sumett take Jeff as your low fully wedded husband?" The priest asked.

"I do."

"do you, Jeff take Sumett as your low fully wedded husband?" The priest asked Jeff.

"I... I do."

"You may kiss each other." Priest gave the permission.

Jeff doesn't know what to do. He's feeling so nervous.


Everyone at the venue including Biu, Apo, Nam say out loud.

Sumett is getting courage to hold Jeff. Apo is standing behind Jeff and Sumett's sister-in-law is behind Sumett.

Both collided with them and Jeff's slim waist in Sumett's arms.

Their faces are close almost touched. They can smell each other's scent.

Sumett's lips just touched Jeff's soft lips. Jeff's lips are tumbling he closed his eyes. It's just a touch of lips.

Sumett wanted to deepen it but he understands Jeff's situation. He moves back.

Everyone clapped for the new couples. The rest of the party went well expect from Jeff and Sumett.

They were in a uncomfortable situation in front of everyone. Everyone congratulates them one by one and Jeff has to put a fake smile on his face.

It's already late at night.

It's time for Jeff to move out with his newly married husband.

Sumett got a Porsché from his brother for as his wedding gift. Jeff said goodbye to everyone. Cried when it comes to his mother, Biu and Apo.

They went inside the car and left.

"Where are we going?"

"My home. Where only us will stay. Don't worry my parents won't be there. You won't feel uncomfortable."

The whole ride is silent.

Jeff's thinking about what to do next because he's already married with someone he doesn't even know if he likes or hates that person.

But Jeff's anger and he's goin' to make Sumett's life into hell that's for sure.


Hi your author is back again after a long break. 

Enjoy reading. Sorry for errors.

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