30- Pregnant!!!

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Time doesn't stop but for me these moments with him are something unforgettable.

We head back home.

After that day we became more and more engaged with each other.

And he gives me a lot of time unlike the previous days.

But for last few days I'm feeling a bit akward. I don't feel like eating. My head feels heavy.

I sleep a lot.

Today I woke up at 9:10.

I went downstairs and Biben is sitting on the couch reading a business magazine.

"Morning babe!"

"Good morning"

I sat on his lap and rested my head on his shoulder. Well I always do this. He kissed my neck.

"Still sleepy?"

"Humm.. you're not going to the office?"

"I took a day off. Come let's have our breakfast."

"I can't walk."

"Fine. I'll carry you."

I carried me like a baby and let me sit on a chair.

"Here's your favorite soup. Eat well. You're ignoring your meal lately."

"I don't feel like eating."

"Come on eat a little."

I took one spoon in my mouth. I want to throw up right now.

"Is it bad?"

"No... But... I can't eat.. I'm feeling nausea.."

Suddenly my stomach is coming out.

I run to the washroom. I vomit.

"Babe what's wrong?!.. you ok? Keep it slow."

I'm tired. I washed my face. Biben helps me to sit comfortably.

"Are you having a fever?"


He checked my temperature but normal.

Here we go. I vomit again. Within some time it cause me 3 times.

"Babe, let's go to the doctor."

"No I'll be alright. I hate doctors and hospitals."

"No argument. Your condition doesn't seem good to me. Let's go."

"No no..."

He helps me get ready. We went to the hospital.

Their family doctor Mrs. Arena checkup my condition.

She looks at me for some time. Maybe she wanted to say something but stopped. She nodded to Biben and they went to talk alone.

Now I'm tensed.


Bib's POV _

For last few days Jeff's totally going opposite of food.

He just thrown up 3 times within some moments. I hurriedly take him to our family doctor's chamber. I can't take any risk.

She checked him. And nodded at me.

I followed her.

"Doctor, is there something serious?... What's wrong with him?"

"Well Bible... Listen to me carefully..."

My heart ached.

".... Jeff is totally fine. His health has no big issues expect from one.. actually... Jeff is... Pregnant."


I heard clear or not.

"What do you just said?"

"Mr. Wichapas Sumettikul... You're husband is carrying a baby and You're gonna be a father. I think it's clear this time."

"Doctor... He's..."

"Yeah I know it sounds a bit unnatural but in some cases this happens and it's very rare. You're lucky to have your own child."

"I'm... I'm so happy. Thanks doctor."

"Humm.. but.. you should be careful. Because male pregnancy can be complected as males never had any mental preparation about this. So I suggest you to consult it with your partner first. And you must be very careful."

I nodded. I went to Jeff. He seems very tensed.

"Anything serious?"

I hugged him first.

"Biben... "

"There's no health issue. But..."

"But what?"

"Babe... You're... Carrying our child... A little life is growing inside you.."


"Babe... I know it's hard to believe but it's true.. you're pregnant with our child... Our baby is growing inside you.. I know you're not mentally prepared for it. This is gonna be complicated for you.. and I don't wanna force you.. it's up to you babe. You have to carry our child so you have to decide..."

I hurriedly blurted out fast in nervousness.

"Decide what? Are you asking me if I wanna keep our baby or not?"

"Babe... I know it's difficult but..."

"Aren't you happy?"

"Yeah of course.. I can't express what I'm feeling right now... I.. I'm gonna be a father... I'm... I'm happy.."

"Then why you think that I'll not keep our baby?"

"I didn't mean that."

He took my hand between his palms and said softly.

"Biben... I'm still not mentally prepared but... This is our child... Our child... You hear that.. we're gonna be parents... This child is the symbol of our love.. I want our child Biben no matter what I want our child."

I wipe away his tears. I'm also crying. I kissed his wrists.

"Thanks for everything babe... I love you."

I hugged him tightly.

"Let's tell everyone."

He nodded. We talked to the doctor, take some medicine for him. Then make our way to my parents.


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