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Bib's POV_

I went to the parking lot. But I couldn't find Jeff anywhere.

"Hey dude.. you're looking for someone?"

"Huh!... Yeah actually I'm looking for my husband. Did you see a young man around here?"

"Oh yeah. I saw him going with some fellows."

"He left without telling me anything!"

I found his phone on the ground.

"But I know where he went."

"Excuse me?!"

Someone attack me from behind but I managed to dodge it. A few come out.

"Hey don't be scared. I'll take you to Jeff, I mean he's also my sweetheart."

"So you're Vegas."

"Yeah... At least I know that."

"Where's he?! Where did you take him?!"

"Whoa whoa whoa.. calm down man, I'll take you to him."

They attacked again. I fight as much as I can but they got me. Covered my face with a black cloth and put me into the car.

I don't know where they're taking me. I hope Jeff's ok. Shit! Why this has to happen with him.

After 2 or 3 hours they take me out of the car. I walked for some time then they tied me up with rope in a iron pole .

Then someone removed the cloth from my face.

My vision was blurry for some time. It's dark. But Now I see Jeff! He's only a few meters away from me. His eyes are closed.

"JEFF!! Jeff! Can you hear me?!"

Then that bastard appears again.

"Oh .. so desperate!"

"Fuckin' bastard! Let me go! Then I'll show you the real deal!"

"Woah! I'll let you go but first you need some treatment for your tongue."

And again his minions start beating me.

I cough out a mouthful blood.

Jeff's POV _

I opened my eyes and found myself in a darkroom with a little dim light.

Few people are in front of me. Like they're beating someone.

It took me some time to clear my vision. I take a closer look.


He coughed blood!


"Hey stop... Everyone out!"

They stopped beating him. Blood is all over! His face got cut.

"Biben!.. Biben!"

"Ohh... What a love! You wake up honey. See your hubby is so weak. You want me to treat him a bit more."

He went closer and punched him again.

"NO! VEGAS! Please stop... Don't hurt him.. I beg you.. please..."

"Ok... My sweetheart asked me so. I won't hurt him. But... But.. But... I want something from my sweetheart in exchange. What will you give me if I spare his life?"

"What you want?"

"You... I want you back."

"Never! He's mine! Don't you dare to put a finger on him!" Bib said as much loud he can but his voice is still low.

Vegas went closer to him and placed the gun on his forehead.

"But I only need to push this trigger and boom and You're gone. Now look at you... still that much attitude!.. anyway.. honey, undone your shirt."


"Just do what I say."

"No Jeff no! Please.."

"Just. Do. What I say."

Biben is crying and moving his head.

Vegas punched him more.

I undone my shirt.

"Good so listen to me at least."

Vegas grabbed my jaw tightly.

"You're even more beautiful with these scars I gave you. I wonder how can he made you forgot about me so easily!"

"Don't touch him!"

Vegas pushed the trigger and it hits Biben's left arm.


"Shut up.. I hate noise. So honey... Where were we?"

"Don't do this, Vegas... I beg you.."

He grabbed my hair.

"You're my little slut... Don't forget that."

He kissed my neck. I couldn't push him but feeling all disgusting on myself.

Everything is my fault.. I dragged Biben into my life. He's hurt because of me.

I'm the bad luck. I dragged him into this mess.


Bib is trying his best to cut the rope with a sharp nail behind the pole. After sometime he finally made it. He hurriedly gets up and pushed Vegas away from Jeff.


Suddenly Biben pushed him away with a punch.

"Bloody MF!! How dare you?!!"

He covered me with his coat.

"Shit! I should have shot on your head."

Vegas pulled out his gun but Biben dodge it and managed to throw it in a corner.

They start fighting. Biben is falling back because he's already injured badly.

I hurriedly find that gun.

"Vegas stop!!! Or I'll shoot you!"

I mind isn't working. I just want to shoot him right now.

"Jeff.." Biben is shocked.

"I will... Shoot you.. Just let Biben go.."

He was about to throw another fist and I pulled the trigger.

A loud sound hits my ears.

This shot his shoulder. He fell down on the floor.

My hands are shaking. The gun fell down from my hand.

I went to Biben. He's still half unconscious.


His minions are here again. I just hugged Biben's body tightly.


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