17- Old Days(Part-2)

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He kept staring at me.

"What are you looking at... drink this."

He finished the bottle in one go.

"Thanks. P'...."

"Jeff, Worakamol Satur."

"Thanks P'Jeff."

"Humm. Now go back to your class and rest for some time."

"But I haven't finished my task yet."

"Oi... nerdy boy, I just said because of the others. You don't need to run like this."

"But I can complete it."

"Are you trying to mess again, huh? If I tease you for real you'll run off from this university."

"Don't worry. I think I can handle it."

"You sure Mr. Stubborn, Book warm."

"I guess."

"Oh really!... Ok then. From now on you're gonna face the worst days of your life. I also wanna see how much you can endure."

"Try me. I won't back off so easily."

"Sure... Now finish your task then meet me after classes."

He nodded. I went to my club.

After everyone had gone home I was alone in the club room. He knocked.

"Oh.. come in... Now place these instruments as I say."

He nodded.

"Place it there... No a little left... Not there a little right... I think I'll be better at the window side..."

I kept ordering him. And he kept moving these things here to there. After almost 2 hours it finished.

"Well done. You did a great job."

He nodded in silence and kept panting.

"Now go downstairs and buy me something to drink.

He left. My club was on the 3rd floor. And the canteen was a bit far from there.

After 25 minutes he came back with a bottle of soft drink.

I took a sip of it.

"It's not cold. I want some cold ice cream."

He left again. This time he took 20 minutes.

"Hey this ice cream has already melted. Bring me a new one."

I could see his frustrating look and enjoyed it.

He left and this time almost 40 minutes passed. I thought he gave up.

It was almost late evening.

I packed my things to go back and he appeared again.

"I thought you were already back home."

"Here's the thing you want."

He brought ice cream, some beers with a small ice bucket. Some food containers too.

"These are cold and these are hot. You can eat whatever you want."

"Humm... Such a smart ass. You brought a lot. Join me."

After finishing the food he walked me to the parking area.

"Good work for today. Be prepared for the upcoming days. Because you're gonna face more for 3 more months."

"Ok. Goodnight."

He left. Again the next day he appeared. This time all of my friends gave him different tasks.

Puan also joined them. Bringing food, carrying our books and stuff was all normal for him to do.

Again standing in the sun for hours or rain, running around the campus was his punishment if he got late to finish his task.

Sometimes he worked smart but Paun insulted him most of the time.

But he never got bothered.

He used to clean my instruments and always gave me company while I sang.

He always carried books and apart from obeying our orders he spent most of the time in the library.

Three months passed like a flash. It was my graduation day.

It went well with everyone's congratulations, taking photos and all.

But he wasn't present at the party.

That evening he called me and asked me to meet him at the terrace.

I agreed because I wanted to say goodbye for the last time.

He handed me a flower bouquet.


"Thanks. Anyway you did such a great job for the last three months. I didn't expect that you would endure everything like this... I really want to say sorry for everything. Maybe we wouldn't get to meet again. Thanks. But it's true that I really enjoyed teasing you."

"It's ok."

"BTW, Why did you call me at this time? You could hand me these flowers at the party."

"I have something important to say."

"Go ahead."

"Well... I like you P'Jeff. Are you..."

"Humm. Ok. I'm not surprised because most of the people already proposed to me like this."

"I want you to be my husband, officially."

"Woh.. woh... Wait. Don't you think you're going too fast? Normally people ask to be boyfriends first but you're asking me to marry you directly."

I laughed out loud.

"I know I'm gonna spend my whole life with you so why waiting for all this stuff."

"Nong Biben, you want to marry me but are you capable enough to take my responsibility yet?"

"But I'll be a capable person for you. What should I do?"

"First make your own identity and a secure future. Be independent."

"And if I do this will you marry me?"

"Well I will think about it. Mr. Silly stubborn."

"Then please wait for me. I promise I'll be back for you."

"I wish you the best of luck."

He was about to go then turned back and kissed my lips.

I froze for a moment.

"Goodbye. I'll be back and make you fall for me then make you my lawfully wedded husband."

He smiled then left.


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