16- Old Days(Part-1)

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I sighed. I don't know what to do. Now I can call the moments I've spent with him.


I was known as a bad boy type in my uni time. Our gang was considered as the strongest group in uni.

Biu, Mile, Apo, Us, JJ and me, was in that group. We have been together since our primary school time.

We used to hangout as our will. Most of the students were afraid of us because we held a strong aura. Also all of our families are rich.

But we never played dirty with others or harmed others. We just punished the one who did wrong things.

On the other hand, You can say that Girls admired us like Gods.

When I was in my last year of uni. Only three months left of our graduation.

One morning _

We were heading to our classroom walking pass the 1st year class.

Suddenly I noticed that the professor was introducing a student to everyone. He had his glasses on with hair strands covered his face.

He was looking like a nerd. But why did he enroll at the end of the year? Anyway, We just walk passed.

After classes we were having our lunch at the cafeteria. A nong from the 1st year came to us.

"Suadeekhab P'Jeff khab... actually my friend... Ren wants to join the music club... If you..."

"But it's almost the end of the year. I'd suggest enrollment the next year."

"Sure... Thanks. Suadeekhab"

He left.

"Oi Jeff... I think that girl likes you. You should date her." Said Apo.

"She's young and not my type. Even we're about to graduate. I don't want to date now."

"You spent your 4 years of uni without dating anyone. Such a waste!" Said Us.

"I think I'll date after graduation. And stop discussing about me. What about you guys? You're dating JJ and Mile is dating Apo. Is there any progress in your relationships? Don't you feel awkward."

They shyed. Biu and I laughed at their faces.

"This happens when you're in love with your friend."

"What about you and Biu? If you guys date we can call it even "


We both said together.

"Humm... Both of you share the same thoughts." Said Kinn.

"Of course. We're best besties for life." Said Biu. We bumped our hands.

"Yeah as far as I know you already given your heart to that 2nd year hottie names Nodt Nutthasid." Apo said jokingly.

"What?! Biu... you haven't told me about this!"

"Hey it's not that. He's our junior. I'm his mentor. That's it."

"So what? See he's blushing. Oh cutie baby" Apo laughed.

In our group Apo is the sassy one and has every single news in his bag.

We laughed.

When we were about to go back to our class again few were standing like to see drama.

The new boy was standing quietly and one of our classmate grabbed his collar, yelling at him.

"Hey is this the new student of 1st year?" I asked someone.

"Yeah. He enrolled today. His father is a big businessman and a very good friend of the principal."

"What happened?"

"Paun is claiming that that nong disrespected him."

"He's dramatic!"

"You do something. Paun won't talk against your group. If this issue grows bigger it won't be good for sure."

"Ok ok."

I went closer to them passed the crowd.

"Hey stop dude! He's new here."

"I don't care! He needs to be punished." Said Paun in anger.

"You, nong... Apologize."

"I can't. I didn't do anything. Why should I apologize?"

"Hey nong... You're our junior. You should listen to the seniors."

"See how he's arguing with you!"

"Hey Paun stop... I'm talking. Listen nong, you're new here. Let me tell you some rules. In here juniors are amenable to listen to the seniors. And we don't bother our professors to solve the problems between us. You should apologize to him."


"Not only this. From now on You'll abide by us and no argument. Remember that."

He kept looking at me for some time then nodded his head. He simply apologized and left the crowd.

Everything was cleared.

The next day when we were about to take breakfast at the canteen he was sitting far from our table with a book taking his breakfast.

"Hey look that nong from yesterday. Give him some order." Said Apo.


Suddenly Paun came from behind.

"You need to tease him Jeff. I let him go because of you."

"Ok... Hey nong!! Come here."

He looked at us then came to our table.

"What's your name, nong?"

"I'm Bible... Bible wi..."

"Ok holy book... Brought us some drinks. Here's the money." Paun said throwing some money at his face.

He silently went to buy drinks.

He brought cappuccino for everyone.

"Hey when did I said that I want this drink?" Asked Paun.

"You should have asked us first." I said.

"But you only asked me to buy some drinks. That's it."

Suddenly Paun threw that coffee at his face.

"You dared to talk back again?"

"Hey Paun! Stop... You.. bookish guy, go and run around the whole campus for 50 times."

He just left silently. We went to our class. Well I felt a bit awkward.

After finishing two classes I was going to my music club. When I looked down that nerd was still running.

Like seriously! I was surprised.

"Hey stop! Why are you running till now?"

"You... ordered... me to..." He couldn't speak because of panting.

I took his hand then let him sit in a bench. I handed him a water bottle.

"Drink this.."

He kept staring at me.


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