21- First Date

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Jeff's POV _

I just got home. My mother-in-law just left with a tight hug. She brought a lots of things.

When I entered that stubborn guy is still working on his laptop.

He hugged as soon as he saw me.

"How's everything? My mom talked a loottt, right?"

"Yeah but I really enjoyed her company. Have you finished your work?"

"Almost done."

I freshened up myself. After he finishes his work we started getting ready.

We put the clothes my in-laws brought for us.

Suddenly he let me sit in front of the mirror. Looking at me through it.

"Will you keep staring at me like that?"

"Gorgeous... but...Something is missing"

"What is it?"


He puts on the emerald stone locket with WS words on it.

"Now you're perfect."

"Thanks nong Biben."

"I'm not a nong anymore. This is the CEO of WS Web design company Mr. Wichapas Sumettikul."

"Ok I got it Mr Sumett... So it is named after you?"

"No. It named after Mr. Worakamol Satur. Or should I say Mr. Worakamol Sumettikul?"

"Oi... I never noticed that our name lettes match like this."

"This is called soulmates. I knew that we're meant to be."

"I know I know. Now stop talking. We're getting late. Come on."

He drives to his home. We reached within 1 hour.

His parents, brother and sister-in-law welcomed me warmly. At the dinner table all my favorite foods are served.

"I made all your favorites. You have to eat everything, ok."

"How did you know?"

"Bible told me about it. Eat now."

She serverd me. Everyone has some family talking at the dinner table.

Everything is like a perfect family dinner. Before coming back he talked with his parents for some time.

We had back home at night.



"Can I stay with you tonight?"


"Come on we already made up. I want to cuddle with you.... Please, babe."

"Babe!... You called me..."

"You're new nickname. Please babe... Let me stay."

"I'm not convinced yet. Pledge more."

"Please babe... I really want to hug you while sleeping... I've been waiting for so many years... Please babe "

"Humm ... Okie.. "

"Thanks babe."

He landed a kiss on my cheek.

"No kissing. Or else I'll kick you out."

"Sorry sorry."

After freshening up we cuddle together. He kissed my forehead.

I never thought I can have someone like him.

The next morning _

We rushed to get ready.

It's a long ride. He drives for hours then we reached our destination.

It's a luxurious hotel & restaurant owned by his family near the beach side.

The hotel stuffs received warmly. We had some cold drinks. Then he takes my out for a walk around.

One floor is fully booked for us only.

Then we walked the beach side. He took me to a small wooden house. It's small but beautiful with one bed, two couch with a few photos of mine hanging on the wooden wall. There's also a small bar corner.

He hugged me from behind.

"You like it?"

"Yeah... It's beautiful. It's better than your hotel I guess"

"I reserved this side of this beach for us. So we can come here for a vacation anytime without any disturbance just as you prefer."

"Smart. You know what I like."

After looking around we head back for lunch.

Lots of things were served as my mother-in-law specially arranged everything.

We enjoyed it. We talked a lot about our uni life. Though it was such a short period of time but I can remember most of the things now.

The evening is also very beautiful here.

I stand by the reeling enjoying the view and cold breeze of ocean.

He hugged me from behind again and placed a kiss on my neck.

"It was my first date. I wanted to arrange everything on my own but Mom did. You enjoy today?"

"Yeah. It's also my first official date I think. And your mom was afraid that you're not gonna take me on a date... I never spent time with you like this... it was good. I enjoyed your company. Thanks."

"I love you "

I blushed at his words.

"Biben... If my mom didn't tell be about you or if I didn't recognize you... I don't know where I would have standing right now. Maybe far away from each other."

"Yeah... I almost told my parents about our separation... Because I can't force you to love me back... But now everything is perfect. And it's God's will that's why we're together. The misunderstanding is solved."

"What if we were separated... would you still be chasing for me?"

"Of course until I make everything right and make you fall for me again. I would never give up on you."


"I can't describe how happy I am now after I got the person I love... It still feels like a dream to me, Jeff."

"Same for me too. Maybe I can sound a bit selfish but when I realized your feelings for me I don't want to let you go anymore... I want to be loved by someone like you. I want to love you too."

"You're not being selfish, ok. Everyone has the right to be loved and cared. Don't think that way. No matter what I'll always love you."

He kissed my forehead and hugged me tight. I feel so secure and calm in his arms. I don't want to let it go.



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