Where everything begins (Prologue)

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Before you begin pls read this !

The first few chapters a really important to set the stage for the hole story. So pls be patient and read trough it because later on everything gets better. Trust me. Every single detail is important and will make sense at the end .

Also pls comment and leave a vote, it would really motivate me 💕

‼️Don't forget to put it in you library if you enjoy it for updates‼️

Thx and have fun,


           ☆═══ ⋆★⋆ ════☆

I walked through the grand entrance of the trains station , the weight of the past summer heavy on my shoulders. It had been a relentless struggle to heal and let go of the pain from Fig's death. He wasn't just a mentor; he had become a father figure to me. Nightmares plagued my sleep, replaying the horrifying events and tormenting my mind with their relentless grip. But that wasn't the only burden I carried. I now had to grapple with my newfound power, the very power that had cost Isadora her life. Her immense strength had instilled fear in others, and I couldn't shake the worry that soon people would fear me in the same way.

As I boarded the train, anxiety pulsed through me, urging me to blend in and disappear. I hadn't kept in touch with my friends over the summer, not even Poppy or Nelly, my best friends . I feared they saw me as a monster, especially after everyone had witnessed the events that unfolded at the end of the previous school year. Fig's death had been a distraction, but now, as a new year began, people would undoubtedly talk about me.

The train journey felt endless, and my nerves grew with each passing moment. Finally, I arrived at Hogwarts, my sanctuary, or so it had once been. The sorting ceremony loomed, and I made my way to the Great Hall, taking a seat at the back of the Slytherin table. Headmaster Black delivered his usual speech, but my attention wavered. I couldn't help but notice a new face among the sea of students.

He looked older, too old to be a first-year. Black waves of hair fell messily into a middle part, contrasting against his pale skin that made his crystal blue eyes stand out. Something about his presence made me uneasy, as if he held secrets or intentions I couldn't decipher. Strangely, he wore the uniform of a first-year student, which only added to the mystery.

Shaking off my thoughts, I focused my gaze elsewhere, only to lock eyes with someone else entirely. Warm hazel eyes met mine, offering a comforting reassurance that instantly eased the tension within me. It was Sebastian, and a rush of heat traveled from my feet to my cheeks. The unfamiliar feeling settled in my stomach, neither uncomfortable nor unpleasant. It was a sensation I had never truly experienced before. I broke eye contact, breaking the connection between us, unsure of how to handle this new and unexpected connection.

In an effort to survive the upcoming year, I resolved to blend in, to avoid drawing unnecessary attention. I needed to focus on learning, on becoming stronger. That was my mantra as the sorting ceremony commenced. But as luck would have it, the new face that had once gazed into my eyes moments ago took a seat at the nearby chair. Mrs. Weasley placed the sorting hat on his head, and anticipation filled the air.

"Hmm... where should I put you?" the Sorting Hat mused aloud. "I see a thirst for proving yourself, a determination burning within.

Better be... Slytherin!" the Sorting Hat's voice echoed in the Great Hall.

Time seemed to stand still. My heart skipped a beat, then another. The new guy, who had looked into my eyes so intensely, would be in the same house as me. And not only that, but he would also be in the same year. It was unheard of, completely unusual. Questions raced through my mind, and a sense of both trepidation and curiosity took hold. Little did I know that this would mark the beginning of an exciting and tumultuous journey, one that would challenge everything I thought I knew about myself and the world around me.     

            ☆═══⋆★⋆ ════☆

I hope you like the beginning

📖I will post longer chapters in the future 📖

📌I always post on Saturday and if I have time in between.

As I already said my first language is not English so if u see any mistakes pls let me know.

I'm always open for feedback and maybe some suggestions!

Here is how I imagine the new guy .


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