"I really missed you too!"

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I was enjoying the date. Damien talked about his family and his past. He was an only child and was basically home schooled all his life till now. His parents take education very seriously, that's why he knew some of the things we were starting to learn this year. He also asked about me, but I didn't really have much to say. Last year was just very hard on me, thats the only thing I told him. He understood that it was a very sensitive subject and he started telling me a funny story trying to cheer me up. I took the last sip of my butterbeer a little bit foam was still on the bottom of my jug.

"You have something there, on your lips."Immediately after, Damien took his hand and smoothly remove the rest of the foam of my lips with his thumb. "All done! this foam was in the way, covering your beautiful lips."I sat there stupefied for a second before we both began to chuckle.

Everyting was going well until I heard a familiar voice shouts out. "Get away from her you jerk, you are a manipulator!"We turned both towards the person who was screaming. It was Sebastian.

He clearly had a couple of drinks before coming here. He would never cause such a big scene especially not in the Three Broomsticks. He ran towards Damien almost falling on the ground that's how drunk he was. He formed his hands into fists and punched Damien right in his eye.

All hell broke loose after that. Damien stood up bringing his fists up ready to defend himself.

"STOP! The both of you! Y'all are 17 years old, for Merlins sake act like that!"Both stopped to listen but then acted like they didn't hear what I just said. Damien and Sebastien were now fighting on the ground. Even though Sebastien was really drunk he still through hard and calculated punches.

I tried to break them of but nothing I did help. Sirona hat to intervene and she successfully broke both boys of and kicked us all out of the Three Broomsticks.

Sebastien took off after being kicked out, I assumed he was embarrassed by his behaviour and by the fact that someone who knew him kicked him out. I couldn't let him walk back to Hogwarts alone and I wasn't even sure if he could find he a way home. At the other hand I didn't want to leave Damien here, but he would not like to accompany me while taking care of the one drunk guy who punched him. I needed to decide.

"Damien I had a wonderful evening with you and you were really kind to me, but I must go after my friend, and I have to make sure he finds his way safely home. I also don't think you would like to walk next to Sebastien. I hope you understand."I looked him in his pale blue eyes with worry that he won't accept what I just said.

"It's okey, I will go back in to pay my dept that will give you a start ahead. I also had a wonderful evening with you."He replied with a forced smile.

"Thank you for understanding!"I replied.

I was almost fully turned to face the way to Hogwarts before I hear "Ooh and Y/n you looked very stunning tonight, you should ware that dress any chance you get!"

"Thank you, you don't look too shabby yourself !"I joked.

"Clumsy girl got humour; I like that. Now ,goodbye ! I have to go pay before we lose this place forever."he joked back.

I ran to reach Sebastian. Who now has sobered up to the point where he could now walk in straight line.

"Hey, wait up!"I shouted at Sebastien. He did what I told him to.

Sebastian POV

She softly hooks her arm in mine, probably because she didn't want me running away while being still tipsy from the firewiskey. I love being so close to her. I missed having her around, hanging out and our long nights in the Undercorft. We had arrived in our common room, and I had to do something about this uncomfortable situation I had her put in.

"I'm sorry I ruined your date,"but my throat tightens. "I- I miss you, ok! And I'm sorry for making you feel like I used you last year. Truth is, I wanted you to help me with your powers to help my sister, but then something in me switched. I wanted to spend as much time as I could with you. After all that happened to you and seeing you get hurt because of me I thought it was best to stay away from you."I posed looking deeply into her eyes. I gently pulled her chins so close our faces would be just inches apart. I wanted her to know that I had deeply missed her and that I was sincere. "I'm sorry for everything"

Her cheeks were blushing, and her eyes shimmered at the words that I just told her.

I saw in her eyes that she wanted to tell me something, so I pull my hand away for her chin and gave her the space she needed to tell me what came next. "I should also apologize; I could have sent you an owl too. I'm sorry."Her eyes started to form tears.


Sebastien words really touched me. At the same time, I felt sad that I blame only him for losing touch. I sensed warm tears running down my cheeks and for a moment my body took control over me, and I embraced Sebastian into a longing hug. He was surprised at first, he didn't want to cross a line but after a short time he was hugging me back. He hugged me so tightly almost as if he didn't want me to run away. The smell of his perfume and the firewiskey combined into an electrifying smell. His body was so warm and cosy. I could sense every single muscle of his arm.

Eventually we had to let go of each other. "It's late, we should get some sleep. Especially me, I need to sober up. But thank you for taking care of me. Good night."Sebastian said. His brown hazel eyes now back fixed on me. They made me nervous however I would love to stare at them as long as I could.

"Sebastian!"I spitted out before he made his way to his dorm. "I really missed you too!". He gave me a big smile before going to his dorm.

I prepared myself to go to bed and fell asleep.

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A longer chapter as I promised you ;)

Hope you liked it !

And thx to the people who have stayed to read my story 🥹😘


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