my hero ..."

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Sebastian realises that I was staring at him and the girl next to him and his head turns to look at me. His eyes widen. He slowly makes his way up to me.

"Wow to what do I owe the pleasure seeing you like that?"Sebastian says, his eyes wandering down to my feet going up my body and stopping for a second on my cleavage and ending at my face.

Sebastian's POV

She looked stunning in that formfitting dress she wore. She showed more skin that usual, those stupid uniform didn't make her curvy hip and her waist justice. Her skin looked so soft. I wanted to know so badly why she had dressed like this so late in the afternoon.

"I have a date."Her words made me snap out of my thoughts. I was shocked. I think she could see that I'm my face. I mean ,I know a girl like her would easy fine somebody to take her on a date. She is loyal, kind, smart, independent, and strong. But this made me so angry.

Why am I so angry? I'm mean she deserves to go out and have fun on her own.

I missed our little adventure and sneaking out to places we shouldn't go . That was our thing.

I felt anger rising form the pit of my stomach.

Who am I to get angry at her for going out with somebody .

At the end I didn't even care to send her an owl. After our fight we didn't talk anymore. We went from friend to stranger. And hopefully we would go back to being friends.

I was now angry at myself. I tried to conseil my feeling "I hope you have a great time; I hope the person know that they are very lucking to be able to take out the hero of Hogwarts, my hero." I smiled at her as she left for her date.


Sebastian last sentence was still wandering in my mind but before I could overthink, I had arrived at my destination. Damien was waiting for me in front of the Three Broomsticks.

He was wearing a white shirt with a black vest and his uniform pants. His shirt was not fully button-down giving access to see his very muscular chest and his collarbones. A wave of heat rushed all over my body, Damien seemed to catch on to that ,making a remark "You like what you see?"which made me blush even more. "I'm just messing with you, let's get in."he said before I could react.

He lightly put his hand on my back just the same way Sebastian did. He guided me toward our table and before I could reach for my chair, Damien pulls the chair for me so I could sit down. I liked that he did that. Nobody did that for me before. Sirona brought us each one butterbeer to enjoy.

Sebastian POV

I was so angry I didn't know what to do. I ran towards the Undercroft to blow of some steam by fighting against the dummies. It may had helped me with my anger but soon I was feeling sadness creeping up. Anger and sadness were not a good combination and before I knew it, I was getting drunk on firewhiskey. I keep a bottle down in the undercroft, but it was half empty. I assumed it was not enough to get me fully drunk or at least numb the pain I felt. So decided to go to the Three Broomsticks maybe I could spill out my heart at Sirona after all we knew each other well.

Before entering I felt how the firewiskey hit me. My eyes widen filling with anger when saw who Y/n was sitting next to.

Damien was her date !?

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We are getting close. That's all I can say to far !
Its a short chapter bc it had to be split in two but the next chapter will be a long one ☝️.

Get ready !

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