How does that sound?

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The dark glow coming from my hands stopped and I finally calmed down ,but I still wasn't sure why my hands glowed like that.

I went to all of my classes and focus on learning. Finally my last class was over and I could finally relax.When a voice behind me reminded me of something I promised.

„So when will we start with my privat tour?" A voice behind me remarks. I shrieked. „Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you away from me." he adds with a huge grin on his face.

  Shoot , I forgot about Damien's tour.

„It's okey, I'm just skittish when people come at me from the back" I reply."Let's start the tour!"

We started at the Greenhouse , I also showed him Hogsmeade and we ended the tour in the Slytherin common room next to the window  where you can look out to the lake. Many first years would look out for hours just to see a mermaid.

„Why are so many looking out the window?" Damien asked.

I responded with a smirk,"They are looking out for Mermaids." I knew that there weren't any Mermaids but it was funny to keep that tradition that was started by Anne and Ominis. Watching the first years looking out for them made me internally laugh, it was entertaining.

Damien step closer to me. His face was very close to mine. His mouth near my ear. And his smell entering my nose. His was wearing a perfume that smelled like green Appel , Musk and Nutmeg.

"Are there really mermaids or... are you now lying to me straight to my face."His whispers made my body react by prickling with goosebumps, and a shiver ran through my entire body. The heat between me legs rising to my checks and my breath becoming heavier. He was now looking directly into my eyes.

I returned the gesture by placing my mouth near his ear „I have to admit, I was lying. They are no mermaids but it's still fun to mess around ."

Damien took his hand and places it on to my chin moving it so I was now facing him again."So you like messing around? Hmmm... never thought such an innocent face could do that.Tanks for telling me the truth." he whispered at me while winking.

He is definitely flirting with me now ...

We step back giving each other a little more space or people would start staring soon.

"I wanna thank you for the tour.Let's have a butterbeer together after school tomorrow.How does that sound?"

"Sound like a way to pay me back for my services" I answered while I chuckled and he joined in too.

"Then it's a Date ! See you tomorrow." He replied while making his way to his dorm room.

A date ? A real date ? I never went on a date? Or is it in a platonic way ? Can two people go drink butterbeer in a platonic way ? I mean me and Sebastian did it . Right ...?

I was kind of freaking out about tomorrow but it was late and I needed some sleep for tomorrow so I went to my dorm and slept.

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The next day I made sure not to be late for breakfast again also because I wanted to tell Poppy what had happened yesterday with Damian. Maybe she could help me with that. So, when I arrived at the Great Hall is went straight to the Hufflepuff table to sit next to Poppy. I told her almost every single detail.

"So, you are going on your first ever real date!" she asserts.

"Well, is going to drink a butterbeer with somebody even considered a romantic date? I mean , me and Sebastian went once at the beginning of the fifth year but that was in a platonic way right?" I questioned . It made me think about the time I spend with him last year. How much fun we both had and how comfortable it was to be around him.

I snap out of my thoughts when Poppy finally responds. "I mean it really depends. It can be both ways. But I pretty sure that Damien meant it in a romantic way, hearing what your just told me that's the most logical explanation. Ohhhhh!Y/n I'm so happy for you. If you want, I can help you with your hair and makeup. And at the end you can tell me all about it!"

Soon our other Friends arrived and sat down next to us. At first, I was embarrassed to see Natty and Nellie again, but we catch up and they assured me that they would be always there for me. This helped me feel lighter, now I had one thing less to be worried about. I also told them about my date with Damien and there where all excited for me. I trusted them with the information because I knew they wouldn't start telling everybody in Hogwarts my business.

Out of nowhere Poppy spitted out. "What did Sebastien want to talk with you? It seemed very urgent. Have you made up already? I haven't seen you hanging out at all this year?"

"Well he was acting strange. Talking about Damien and that guys like him just flirt to get what they want and break your heart when they are done. And then I got mad at him for wanting to control me. I mean , I finally want to live my life not having to play the hero or having to do task for them to prove myself. Is that too much to ask?"

"Sound like someone else has only eyes for you too!"Nellie says delighted.

"I mean he could also just be really worried for you. After what happened last year and you to being so close, he maybe just doesn't want to see his best friend getting hurt by a guy nobody really knows?"Natty hypothesized.

"Thank you, guys, now I'm completely confused !"I responded.

Poppy sensed that my thoughts were drifting away. "Maybe ,you could talk to Sebastian at lunch ."I didn't really know what to say to him. "After all you are still friend and I know you miss him, and he might miss you too."She was so good at reading people. Even though you had a poker face on she could sense your energy.

I thanked them all for their help and we made our way to class. In class I had trouble follow in the professors, my mind always going back to Sebastian and what he told me in the beginning of the school year. Nellie's comment made it worse.

Did he like me? Like more than a friend or a best friend? Was he attracted to me?

I started to question my feelings towards him too.

He was so close to me and the feeling of his hands on me, I missed that feeling.

I decide to not talk with Sebastian today because I needed to understand what I was feeling for him. Instead, I focused on my date. Poppy helped me as she promised, to find a cute outfit and to do my hair and makeup.

I looked myself into a mirror and I admired Poppy's work. She put a little bit of brown eyeshadow and mascara to bring the beautiful colour of my eyes out. On my face she had put some blush and concealer and, on my lips, a simple gloss that tasted like strawberries. For my hair she puts half of it up, the rest of it was loosely curled. We picked a dark green velvet dress that stopped just above my knees. I put my black sheer stockings on and my boots and made my way to Hogsmeade.

I left the girl bathroom and, on my way, out I see Sebastian talking to some Slytherin girl I didn't know her name. But my heart drop seeing them together.

What are they Talking About?They could be just friend ...right?

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The ball is starting to roll ;)

As always I hope you like it . You can always give me feedback and suggestions.I want to create this story with you. It would also mean a lot it you leave a like for me ❤️


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