"It doesn't make me innocent!"

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After opening my eyes, I immediately looked around me to find out who was screaming.

„No...No, I didn't mean to  NO"Sebastian was tossing and turning in his bed while talking. It was then and there that I realised he also hasn't completely healed from the events of the 5th year. I felt guilt washing through my body.  It pained me seeing him like this. I didnt think he had these haunting nightmares. He never mentioned them, we never talked about what happened last year. „I-I'm sorry!"Drops of sweat were forming on his forehead.

I couldnt take this anymore. It was torture seeing him like that, I had to do something. I needed to stop him from hurting.I stood up from the bed and I walked toward him, gently sitting on the side of his bed when I reached him.

„Sebastian!"I said in a low voice trying to gently stop his nightmares, but nothing happened. My hand gently caressed his cheek and wiped the sweat from his forehead. My thumb stroked his cheek trying to break him out of his night terror. „Sebastian, wake up!"This time my voice was louder.

„No- ..."He finally opened his eyes and looked around in confusion with a horrified look in his eyes. His breath was at a fast pace.

„Sebastian, it was a nightmare. Nothing was real!"My hand was still on his face as I lightly forced him to meet my eyes. „I'm here. Nothing can happen."As these words escaped me, I saw his eyes forming tears as he pulled me into a tight hug. I caressed his bare back as he still was uncontrollably shacking, wanting to do anything to help him.

„Than- thank you so so much."He mumbled digging his face further into my shoulder. We staid like this for a while. Finally, his warm breath hitting against the skin of my neck slowed down.

„We don't have to talk about this if you don't want to, but if you want, I am here to listen."

„It's okey. I want to be honest with you and show you every part of me."He told me with downcast eyes. „I-...I have these nightmares. Well, most of them are just replaying the day I killed...I killed my uncle."He dropped his look on to his hands.

I knew he still experienced regret from what he had to do. I understood that I was also one of the reasons he was pushed to end the fight like he did.

„What you did was brave. You not only did it to protect yourself but to protect the people that were closes to you."

„I know but it still doesn't make it right what I did. It doesn't make me innocent!"His hands turned into fists. He was so angry. Angry at himself. My hands gently took his and I placed small kisses on them.

„I killed not only trolls but also people. I'm not the angel you picture me to be. Please look at me."He lifted his red eyes to look at me. „Don't be so hard on yourself. Nobody is truly sinless."He gave me a small polite smile.

"I'm sorry for waking yo –"

"Don't you dare apologise!" I said playfully to lighten the tone of our conversation.

"Sor—I almost did it again."We both chuckled. "I really appreciate you for everything you did for me Y/n."

"I really appreciate you too for everything and thank you for planning this date."

"I don't know what I would do without you."I blushed at him pouring his feelings out. It made my heart warm up my entire body. Seeing this vulnerable side of him was intriguing because he always acted so strong around me. Not telling me a single thing he had to endure because of what took place in the pass. "Will you stay the night with me, in my bed?"He gave me a soft look.

"How can I resist this great offer?"I said kissing his cheeks. He lifted the blanket so I could slip in to lay next to him.

Sebastian POV

She gently slipped under the cover and laid next to me. Her warm arm brushing against mine, made me crave being closer to her. I slowly put my arm around her. A big smile formed on my face as she got close to my naked chest, cuddling against it. Tenderly I stroke her messy hair out of her face. I wanted this moment to last forever. I enjoyed seeing her fall asleep as I still caressed her. Her face was now fully relaxed, making me also sleepy.

               ☆.。.:*  .。.:*☆
The bright beams of light creeping through the curtains of the windows of the bedroom, hit my face waking me up. I open my eyes to see Y/n still having her hands on me. I felt at peace, having her near me. She was my dreamcatcher; I didnt have nightmares this night. This was something that never happened. Even if I dozed off for a few minutes, the horrifying pictures of my decisions hunted me down.

Inch by inch I crawled out of the bed to not wake her up and make breakfast for the both of us. When I finish preparing our meal, I walk to her resting body, kissing her temples softly before trying to wake her up. "Hey, Y/n. My love wake up."

"Good morning, Sebastian"She mumbled. I loved it when she said my name.

"I'm made breakfast. The table is set, so we can eat."I reached out my hand for her soft ones. I helped her out of bed, and we ate.

                 ☆.。.:*  .。.:*☆


I went back to Hogwarts leaving Sebastian behind. He still needed to do something at Feldcroft and obviously we couldnt go back together, we already took a risk going on a date.

On my way back to the castles an ill feeling kept lingering inside of me. I felt as if eyes were set on me, not leaving me for even a second. I stopped on my track from time to time to look around to make sure I was just paranoid, and to make sure nobody was actually following me. It was dead silent and not a single person was in sight. I kept walking hastily, just wanting to arrive to my destination. I shrieked as a herd something moving in between the trees. My heart palpitating faster at the sound of the unknown. As a crow flew away from where the sound was coming, I took a deep breath and relaxed. It was just a crow making those sounds. Just a crow.

At my arrival I didn't take me long to stumble upon Damien. It seemed like he always knew where to find me.

          ☆═══ ⋆★⋆ ════☆

I hope you like where this is going. Lately it has been tough to get the story going but I still hope you enjoyed it.

If you have any feedback or suggestion on how to make this more interesting pls leave a comment. I would also appreciate if you leave a like on this chapter.

As always thank you for tunning in every Sunday to read this story, it really means a lot to me to see people are still reading it.

Lot of love, B.

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