"Good night and sweet dreams, Sebby."

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As I lay in the Hospital Wing, the exhaustion from the panic attack still lingering, I was woken up by ray of sunshine that fell through the window. Making my eyes slowly flutter open as I was still sleepy from the calming potion that Nurse Blainey gave me. I gently sat up to take a sip of my water when from the corner of my eyes I saw somebody sleeping on the chair next to my bed.

Sebastian looked so peaceful like all his worries for me was gone. His brown hair was a mess probably because he stayed the entire night next to me in that uncomfortable chair.

He tried to be there for me, but I felt obligated to do this on my own. I didnt want him to take my problem as his. He already had enough of them.

"Good morning, princess."His sleepy voice pulls me out of my strain of thought.

"Good morning,Sebastian" I replied.

"Y/n, how are you feeling?" he asked softly, his voice filled with genuine care.

I managed a small smile, grateful for his presence. "I'm doing better now, thanks to you."

He got up, gently sat back down next to me on my bed and took my hand in his, his touch bringing a comforting warmth to my soul. "I've been so worried about you, Y/n. Seeing you in pain and pushing everyone away, including me... it hurts."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I listened to his heartfelt words. I of course I didn't want to heart him intentionally. "Sebastian, I never wanted to hurt you or anyone else. It's just... I've been drowning in my own thoughts and fears."

He leaned closer, his voice filled with understanding. "I know, Y/n. And that's why I went to Professor Weasley. I wanted to find a way to help you, to bring you back. She thought it would be a good idea for you to talk to her regularly, to have someone neutral to confide in." He squeezes my hand a little tighter.

I was taken aback by his revelation, but a deep sense of gratitude washed over me. "Sebastian... you did that for me?"

He nodded, a gentle smile playing on his lips. "I want us to be honest with each other, Y/n. No secrets, just pure honesty, and openness. I couldn't bear to see you suffer alone. I wanted to help, to be there for you. I hope you are not mad at me for doing so without your knowledge."

I reached out and cupped his cheek, my heart overflowing with love for this incredible person beside me. "Thank you, Sebastian. Thank you for caring so deeply and for not giving up on me. I'm sorry for shutting you out. And no, I could never be mad at you" I said before giving him a peck on his cheek which made them turn pink. It was so adorable seeing him flustered.

His eyes softened, and he leaned into my touch, a mixture of love and relief in his gaze. "Y/n, you never have to apologize. I understand the darkness you're facing, and I'm here to support you every step of the way."

Sebastian reached into his pocket, a mischievous smile playing now on his lips. He pulled out a chocolate frog, my favourite candy, and handed it to me. "I thought this might bring a smile to your face. A small treat to remind you of the sweetness that still exists."

I giggled, accepting the chocolate frog with gratitude. "You always know how to make me feel better, don't you?"

He chuckled; his eyes filled with adoration. "I try my best, especially when it comes to you."

My stomach growled and we both chuckled.

"Looks like someone is hungry!"Sebastian teases. "Let's get some breakfast."

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Later that day in the evening, as I walked near the Bell Tower Wing, Sebastian suddenly grabbed my arm urgently. "Y/n, I need your help! I think I've lost something important around here."

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