„Since when have you become so naughty?"

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Spice warning 🌶️

Hope you like it and pls like the story 🥺 to show me some appreciation!
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I really work hard on this one .

It was finally Saturday and I already got ready to start the day because I wanted to be 4 pm already. I ate breakfast but I didnt see Sebastien.

He is probably preparing something for our date or doing some homework which I should do too.

So, after breakfast I went to the library to do one of the million homeworks I had to do hoping to see him but the only person I saw was Damien. The last person I wanted to come across today. I sat down far away from him and did my homework. I was getting my things done quickly when suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turnaround to find that Damien has spotted me. I must be honest I was avoiding him a bit after all, me a Sebastien had our thing going on and I didnt want to make Sebastian jalouse. Even if he knew why I had to act in love with Damien. Damien also stopped looking into old and ancient magic. He stopped acting suspicious in general, but I still didnt trust him.

„Hey, how are you doing? We havent talked in a while after that thing at the party and I wanted to make sure I didnt do or say anything embarrassing or out of the pocket?" Damien started the conversation.

„No, nothing to embarrassing."I teased him.

„Mhh...mind telling me what I said?"

„Just that you miss your mommy dear a lot ." I laughed, and he joined.

„What can I say, I like and respect my mom. Thank you again for taking care of me, are you doing something today?." His question caught me off guard. Of course, I had plans but I couldn't really tell him it involved Sebastian, or he could suspect that something is going on between us.

„Well, I planned to go early to bed and enjoy reading some books."Boring plans if you ask me, but the best excuse that I could come up with.

„Let's go out to the Three Broomsticks again!"

„I'm sorry I have to catch up on some reading for the upcoming exams."

„It won't take long I promise, and I will help you study afterwards too!"He was now being pushy, and I knew that it would make him suspect something because who would decline an offer like that to stay in their dorm room reading books.

„Yes, to the Three Broomsticks today but no, to the studying part. Maybe we could study together tomorrow?"

„You cancelled your study section for me? I feel flattered!"

„You should be! I just dont cancel them for anyone."I said in a playful manner.

„Well, I'm not anyone. After all am Damien Dark."He teases back.

I had to suppress my eyes rolling from his snarky comment. We went to the Three Broomstick and had one butterbeer each. I couldnt stop looking at a clock to make sure I won't miss the time. Also, I needed to make up for an excuse for why me and Sebastian met up if we stumbled upon him.

„Everything okey? You keep looking at the clock every second."Damien asked.

„Yeah, I just remembered that Sebastian wanted to talk to me after we had a fight. Our friendship isn't how it used to be. We would spend a lot of time discovering Hogwarts and the area round it. He and Ominis were the first friends I made here. So, you see why there are so important to me. We always there for each other but now our friendship just keeps crumbling apart."

„Well, he demonstrated ' the hole protective part' well on our date ." He joked but I could tell that him didn't mean like that.

„Me and Sebastian have a special bond because we tried looking for a cure for his twin sister Anne. We searched it all 5th year and I guessing he still hasnt given up. We just didn't have the time to catch up. Last year ended with an ugly fight between us and we tried it solving with little results, but he is trying his best to show me he has changed for the better."

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