chapter 3: The Happy Bride

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Wedding Day

They say the bride is the most happiest girl on the day she is getting married.

She feels a joyful environment around herself and despite the anxiety of seeing her husband to be she has a massive mixture of feelings which are bubbling within her.

I guess I am one odd bride then because the only thing I am feeling is fear and an emotion of regret is coursing through out my body. Its like my brain is trying to make me register the fact that this marriage will be no merry go happily ever after.. No not one bit... Its going to be marriage of convienience if one has to call it.

I look at myself in the mirror the wedding is in the next half an hour. My straight raven black hair is tied up in stylish updo with cream colored pearls pinned in middle forming a web like image.

My wedding gown is a off the shoulder flowy dress of white color and golden lace and ribbon and small sparkles.

My make up is light as after alot arguing and persistence with the hair stylist and the lady who was hear to ready me. I had asked them to apply light pink colored lipstick and tan colored face powder to give it a natural look.

I look at myself in the mirror and smile I don't look that bad... In fact I look pretty.

A knock on the door startles me and I walk to open it. I had no clue of who would be there to meet me on the other side.

Evelyn Mundair stood on the other side of the door fuming at me. Before I could defend myself her hideous palm connects with my cheek.

Shocked at the contact I stumble back and look up at her.

"So you think... Stealing Adrian from me is going to make you all high and mighty... What were you trying to do... Is this your way of taking revenge from me... You witch!!!"

Her yelling startled me more and then anger took over.

"Who do you think you are calling me such names Evie... I have no desire to avenge myself and stoop as low as you... You always tried to want and have what I wanted... It was Adrian who proposed me... So maybe you should get your facts straight first". I almost yelled, anger was coursing through my veins and I had this strong urge of slapping her across her angelic model like face.

She glared at me and tried to attack me again when Holder rushed in to my rescue.

"Evelyn you were neither invited nor are you welcomed here... Leave" Holder stated firmly.

"My my... Prince Holder to the rescue... I have to admit Ailes... I am impressed... You know for six years we have been friends and now... And now your about to steal the guy who is in love with me since the same six years of our friendship...yet here you seem to be finding comfort in the arms of a man you just met in college... I guess I wasn't wrong when I called you a gold digger ... More than that you are rather despicable one too..." She sneered.

"Evelyn leave this place or so help me God... I'll make sure you I pull up a restraining order against you and you stay in prison for long..." Holder  yelled.

"I see my presence is unwanted here... I'll leave for now but do make sure... Ailes... Your Prince Holder won't always be around you..." Evie said finally and left smashing the door close.

Holder hugged me tight trying to comfort and console me while Aunt Josie and Emma entered. They had seen Evie leave my room and were sure no good would have been done by her.

It was almost time for the wedding ceremony to start and so Aunt josie and Emma straightened me up wiping away the remanants of the flowing mascara from my decieving tears that had fallen and re-applying my make up.

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