Chapter 32: The Escape

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"Happy Birthday Sweetheart..."

"Thank you so much Mom". I smiled, it was Emma, apologising for not wishing me before leaving for home, from the events of today, I wouldn't blame her, even if she had wished me a month later.

"I know this was a very hard day for you, but honey please don't ever think you are alone".

"I won't Mom, thank you so much for being here".

"Ohh honey, I'm always here for you both, how about you guys take a vacation for sometime, things have been quite stressful for the both of you".

"Ummm... I don't know".
Before I can speak, Adrian comes from behind, hugging me, as he takes the cell phone from my ear, "Hi mom, yeah Ailey is fine, yes a vacation sounds perfect, we have to go now".
He declines the call, dipping his head in the crook of my neck, holding me tight. Ok this is so not Adrian like, its a good feeling agreed, but it's questionable to say the least.

"Adrian... that was so rude..."

"I don't care". He whispers kissing my neck making me gasp as my insides turn to jelly.

"Okayy... stop it Romeo, what are you doing?"

He smirks, pulling me closer, "Why Mrs. Vittorio, I am just being a good husband,"

"Umm Adrian, I think, there is alot to think about, before we reach, that point don't you think we should talk things through and besides you're mood swings tend to confuse me at times".

"You're right, there are a lot of mistakes and misunderstandings to be undone, how about, you shower while I bring up some of my famous coffee and a packet of your oreos".

That makes me smile, I kiss his cheek, and nod in approval, as he backs towards the kitchen and I walk towards, our room, to grab a change of clothes and my toiletries. Once I do reach the bathroom. I lock the door and turn the shower knob on, the actual fear of all the events starts pooling in today.
How could Evelyn do this. To go to such a high extent. Blackmailing. Killing. Something didn't add up, I needed certainty that Axcel was out of our lives for good. But more than that, I was broken. Shattered to pieces, if what he said was true, then, had I made a misjudgment of character when I had befriended Evelyn.
My head started getting hazy again, so I grabbed on to the towel stand to grab on my change of clothes.

Finally getting into my favorite grey hoodie and blue jeans, I walk towards the door to open it. As soon as I open it, Adrian comes rushing in almost making us fall to the ground.

" What the hell Adrian?"

"Hey don't look at me, you weren't opening the door, and its been more than 40 minutes since, you were in there, I got worried".

I smile at his innocent face and immediately cascade my eyes down, him being just close to me, is adorable and is it just me or did this place get a little bit hot.

Grabbing my hand, he walks us to the bedroom. I nibble on my lips as a pool of anxious feelings forms in my belly. Adrian passes me some Oreos, and I smile at him. The look he gives me is of pure adoration which to be honest doesn't help with the anxiety I am feeling.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?"
"No reason".

Once done with the coffee and Oreos, I pull my legs back on the bed as Adrian sits in front of me.

The silence is torturous but, I manage to hold back the words that are on the tip of my tongue, what seems like decades, Adrian speaks, "I think, this the most quite I have been with you since we have been together".

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