Chapter 26: Shattered Hearts

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As Ailey walks out wearing just the blue skimpy beach dress I had offered her I literally feel my heart skip a beat. She is beyond gorgeous, her body has curves in places a man would only dream of, the innocence she holds in eyes makes me want devour her but with as much gentleness there is possible. Physical features apart, her heart and her kind soul has me addicted to her, its like she has me in some kind of spellbound and I can't believe I was stupid enough to just let her be, she has been through enough, I wonder why Evelyn was so wrong about her she is nothing at all as she had said, I just know it she isn't.
By the time my inner thoughts have come to this conclusion Ailey is standing in front of me, her cheeks rosy red, her lips all glossy as she keeps on biting her lower lip if only she knew, how that small stunt of hers was affecting me she slowly speaks, "umm so what do you think?"

Oh love if you really knew what I was thinking we wouldn't be standing in this store buying outfits we would be back in our suite, in bed. I give her a cocky smile and reply, "You never fail to impress love", to which she rolls her eyes at me and grins.

~The Beach~
We walk onto the beach, its not as crowded as I expected it to be which is a good thing I really didn't want to be in crowded places it annoyed me a lot. Everytime I was on the beach it reminded me of the time, when I was a kid and all my elder cousins had pushed me in deeper side of the sea, I was just a kid back then and didn't know how to swim, Evelyn had saved me that day, only later to find out it was her who had asked Fred (my other cousin) to push me in the first place, so she could get the junior lifeguard medal. We were such goofs back than, that wasn't what had scarred me, but the fact that once I had reached the shore, my grandmother had insulted my mother and I for being so careless, she had called my father and told him her version of the story, making me look like a mischievous culprit, for which my father hates me still.

As we sit in a secluded corner and I unknowingly tell all of this to Ailey she silently listens then hugs me, kissing the back of my hand, and then running small circles on it with her thumb. "I am sorry you had to endure that as a child Adrian, I didn't know it was so tough for you".

"Ehh... its in the past now love why bother about it".

"Emmm.. on a lighter note, do you know how to swim now or if I totally push you from the edge you will drown and I can say it was an accident". She says with a cheshire cat grin on her face.

I laugh, getting up from the mat, the sun is about to set, I offer Ailey my hand she takes it and I pull her up nearing the shore where our bare feet get soaked by the waves. I keep pulling her and she laughs "So are you trying to like prove your point here".

Once we are nearly in swimming range I let her hand go and dive in. "Ok Macho man you have proved your point you can swim". She hesitates but retorts back, I swim near her and squeals when I grab her leg from under, once she can't locate me starts to panick "Adrian... Adrian !!?? Where are you she screams, just when I surprise her from behind pulling her in with me first she shrieks, but then she laughs as we both come up for air.
"You are such a jerk". She says splashing water at me, I smile as the sun sets down she looks gorgeous her flame brown eyes looking a lighter shade of brown with the light of the sun, her black hair all wet now sticking to her neck and her lips all pink and plump with nothing fake all pure.

Suddenly she tries to get up but slips and falls right into my arms as I try to brace her fall. To this she smiles again, I am sorry I am so clumsy, I steadily lift her and get up as she flails her legs hiding her face in the crook of my neck asking me to let her go or that people are looking.

I look down at her now with a evil smile, "Really Ailey ? You want me to let you go".

Once she realises what I have in mind she grabs on to my neck, " Don't you dare Adrian Vittorio". I laugh and with that in the water she goes. Coughing she gets back up pushing me in the sea with her. Its like we both are kids again, maybe she was right a vacation was all that I needed.

Kissing the corner of her lips, I get up. We are all dried now sitting on the benches admiring the fireworks holding hands.

Once the show ends people are enjoying themselves and I get up, "Want something to drink?"
"Peach Iced tea would be good".
I walk up to the counter, the bar tender gets me two iced teas to go when I hear a squeaky voice, "What a surprise seeing you here".
"I am sorry, but what are you doing here —?"
"Jhena". She forwards her hand I just shake it immediately withdrawing soon.

"So you're not from around here, I am guessing from the states?"

"Well yes, Jhena, but" , she comes nearer, running her sharp nails, on my shoulder but before she can come nearer, " I grab her hand and slowly push her away creating distance.
"Look you may be a nice girl Jhena, but I am a married man, now it would be wise of you to stay away and be professional".

"Oh please, your bitch of a girlfriend isn't even around here, what's with the facade handsome".

"First of all, she isn't a bitch you on other hand, better go look for another job, the owner of the cafe you work at is a great friend of mine and I believe, he wouldn't mind, loosing a waitress who doesn't have dignity or lower standards".

If Ailey, were besides me right now she would've jumped just seeing the look on Jhena, Joana or whatever the girl's name was. I turned and walked back to where we were sitting only to find the bench vacant, now where did Ailey go. I decided to look for her, maybe she went to the other bar that was on the other side in a more secluded area. Still both iced tea glasses in hand, I walked all the way to the second bar only to come to a sudden halt.

That sick bastard. He had his arms around her. And to my utter shock Ailey didn't object, just when I decided to walk in and pummel that asshole to death, I see them kiss. I don't know when the glass from my hand slips and falls on my feet shattering into millions of pieces just like my heart is at the very moment.

Words are locked at the back of my throat, but I can't deliver them. My hands turn into fists and I turn and walk back. Punching a tree on my way back to the benches where we sat. Anger courses through my veins, she played me? How could a girl as innocent as Ailey be so vindictive, Evelyn was right. Fuck! Anger gets the best of me and I grab hold of the small wooden table and throw it making one of its leg break.
She was lying. It was all a lie. I fell for her and she was lying. Ailey Vittorio played me, just like everybody else.

Within a second I get up, pulling my iPhone out of my pocket.

"Jodie I want you to reschedule my flight, I want a flight back home today".

"But Sir, I mean is everything ok—"

"Just do it Dammit".

I pinch the bridge of my nose to calm my nerves, "Just make it happen Jodie, I am sorry just get it done pronto".

I decline the call thats when I hear her, "Adrian" I turn towards her to find her rushing into my arms hugging me aa she soaks my shirt with her tears, she is one good actor I'll give her that. I push her away with force even looking at her is angering me to which she fakes a bewildered expression "What".

"How could you Ailey? I saw everything, I don't want to hear it". I say with as much anger I can put in those words.

"B-But Adrian, you have to hear me ou".

"NO!!! I don't" I yelled, grabbing her hand, the one that had our wedding ring on, I shove it in her face to remind her, "Did this thing mean anything to you? Did I mean anything to you? I told you to stay away from him, only to find you kissing him!!"

"No Adrian that's not..."

"Shut Up Ailey!! Enough !! I should've known I was wrong to fall for you, trusting you so blindly, you really had me with you're innocent face and eyes, not anymore, it's over". Pack your things, I rescheduled our flight we are leaving tonight, I can't tolerate seeing your face now."

Letting all those words out makes me even more angry, they feel bitter in my mouth, pushing my way I walk back to where the chauffeur has brought the car and I sit. Soon I see her sitting beside me as I indulge myself in phone just to avoid her.

Why Ailey? I was beginning to see what others saw in you. Is it true you are exactly what Evelyn had said. Did I really fell in a trap. If its so, then Ailey Vittorio you messed with the wrong man, because now you will pay.

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