Chapter 40: The Bride The Groom & The Broken Hearts

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Lightly curling my hair and applying some Mascara, I immediately tidy up as I hear Holder's voice and Adrian greeting him.

It seems Andrea gave him a good dose on being civil. Thinking about that makes me laugh until I hear glass break and I rush out to find the lamp on the floor. Glaring up at them, they both point at each other and I smack a hand on my forehead.

"I don't know which one of you did it and who started it clean it up. And while I am gone... Andy texted me...BEHAVE!"

Reaching the elevator I hear:


"Shut up".

Rolling my eyes I press the button to Andrea's floor.

Walking back to the elevator, we emerge into random gossip. Finally just before the door opens, Andrea asks:

"Bet you're suite is going to be in shambles if you left those two alone".

"I have a feeling its going to be okay now". I laugh.

Luckily though, once we do walk in things really do seem civil.

The broken lamp and the mess is all cleared up and both the men are brooding yet sitting on opposite sides. Adrian is trying hard to focus on his cell phone while Holder is switching through channels. As we walk inb both of them get up to greet us. Holder rushes to Andrea and gives her a kiss.

While Adrian walks slowly towards me. He mentions about leaving if it bothers me but I nod my head. That is the least of what I want. I don't want anyone to know about the situation or mess we are in. I think him leaving abruptly will pretty much hamper the entire illusion of this movie night anyway. Besides its just a movie how bad could it be.

Unlucky for me Andrea could be pretty much sappy when it came to love. I mentally wanted to smack her. All the movies she had picked for this double date were romantic.

Since karma is a bitch, she picks Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy despite my refusal. God! I hated Andrea. I hated her. It's official I am going to drown myself in humiliation after this night.

Two hours later

As the film, reached to the part where Jack blackmails Ana, a fear bubble starts residing within me. The tumultuous ride both Adrian and I had been on seemed so real and so much relatable.

Adrian sits beside me on the couch. And I finally manage to look at him. To my surprise his eyes are looking right back at me. Coming close he whispers in my ear:

"Who would've thought Mia Bella, you would be interested in things so dark".

I blush profusely. And he lifts my head up a little, making me look at him right in the eye.

I fear he might kiss me. Honestly I feel my resolve melting with the closeness. I want to be angry with him. So angry. The scars that I had tried to heal ripped open with every blame that he put on my dead aunt. What hurt more was that he was adamant with his lie. And adamant to live in a world where he is right and some how Aunt Josie was in the wrong.

I know I hadn't had the time to look things through but she couldn't have hurt anyone, than her own friend like that. Emma was such a nice person she didn't deserve this.

Adrian's soft lips touch my cheek and I flutter my eyes close. Ailey get a hold of yourself. Would slipping away for just one night really be that bad?!

Beneath hooded eyes, he looks up at me. And I melt. Luckily Andrea helps me. Getting up from her couch, she walks and asks me

"Ailes? Can you help me I need to make some pop corn".

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