Chapter 4: The New Home

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The stopping of the vehicle awakens me from my dreamland and I straighten up to get out; as I get out of the car and look at what is in front of me my eyes bug out.

The building in front of me was completely beautiful. Well for starters it was enormous. It was three storey bungalow with two a balconies and floor length windows.

A garden surrounded the house and fern wall was covering one wall which made it extraordinarily exotic.

As I entered in alone... Adrian had left me in the limo the moment the vehicle had stopped as if I never existed. The interior of the house left me completely in shock and the kitchen was my weakness.

All in all I fell in love with this place. While I was standing there dumbstruck I heard a voice from behind. An old lady was standing there

"My my aren't you beautiful... Oh where are my manners... I am Rina... Adrian's housekeeper... That boy is still a baby you know... It takes me hours to wake him up and all... I am so glad he finally settled down and not with that shameless girl who keeps on coming... Oh you must be tired... Would you like a cup of tea?" She kept on rambling and I tried to hear every word she had said. When she stopped I gave her a sweet smile and replied.

"Thank you uh- Miss Rina but... Umm would it be too much if I ask you where our room is... I would like to  change first if you don't mind".

Although a cup of warm tea was a very welcoming idea getting out of the dress was a better option... No matter how pretty I may have looked in it... Now this dress was just getting on my nerves.

"Oh sure dear... Come along... I'll show you the way".

Sighing with relief I followed her up the stairs of this huge mansion that seemed it would never end.

Finally we stopped at the door and she turned to go back down. I heaved another sigh and walked in.

As if the bunglow and kitchen hadn't done a good job of leaving me amazed, the bedroom left me speechless.  There was a king sized bed dominating the room with beautiful side tables and a attached bathroom.

The walls were a creamy white color an-

"What the hell are you doing here ?" Came an angry familiar voice, I turned to see Adrian standing with a towel in his hand as if he was drying his face. His jaw was clenched and his dark blue eyes were practically throwing daggers at me.

"I thought... I mean this is our room... Where else should I be if not here right?" I tried to lighten the mood but it seemed that only angered him more. He threw the towel on the bed and walked towards me.

"Oh so you thought that since you are my wife unfortunately I must say, your going to be in this room with me..."

Before I could speak he interrupted me again...

"Listen here... And listen good... You may have won the hearts of my parents and may have been capable of winning their trust but I know people like you... Always desperate for attention and just finding ways to get rich".

"Adr-" I tried to speak but he didn't let me. In fact he moved closer which made me step backward. With one swift motion he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me flush against him. I looked bug eyed up at him while his eyes were furious.  "Adrian wh-"

"Shut up... I never gave you the permission to speak...  You wanted to be my wife right... Well I'll show you how much of pleasent husband I can be".

Pushing me away with force as I slammed against the door the door handle stabbing me in the back a gasp escaped my mouth. I looked up at Adrian who seemed unaffected.

His look of distaste was suffocating me
I immediately averted my eyes and looked down.

"You will NOT be staying in my room ever... Get that in your head and secondly you must know I only married you because my mother was persistent, don't assume that I could ever have feelings for a pathetic girl like you... And please try not to interfere in my matters. You will stay in the room next to mine... Now GET OUT". He snapped, tears had welled up in my eyes and now were flowing endlessly down my cheeks, with the little self respect left I immediately opened the door and walked out.

Reaching into my room I locked the door and rushed towards the bed. Lying on the bed I broke down into sobs and tears, why am I such a burden on everyone.

Its all over I can't go back nor can I walk forward. My life has reached the edge of a cliff and now its either jump or get  eaten by the wild animals either way its misery.

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