Chapter 33: Blooming Love

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The morning bright daylight seeped in through the curtains making me curl up into the warmth of the pillows. Finally, being aware of my surroundings, I woke up rubbing my eyes as I sat up in bed.
Adrian walked out of the bathroom, a towel clinging around him and his hair in a messy tousled state as water dripped from them. His ocean blue eyes met mine and looked intently at me.

"Morning sleepyhead".

I felt heat rise up in my cheeks as I mumbled a good morning back at him. He smirked and then came and set next to me on the bed as I gulped. My eyes feeling shy as I lifted my gaze a little to find his intense and wicked, looking back at me.

Feeling tad bit flushed I tried to avoid his gaze, what I didn't expect was him moving closer, holding my face between his hands making me look intently at him. As his lips touched mine, my eyes closed almost immediately, it was a small brief kiss, but last night's memory and his sweet words still rang in my head. Gathering little bit of courage I held his head and pulled him closer, almost on top of me. Adrian groaned as his lips parted biting mine in the haste, making me gasp as he pushed me down.

What would have been just a small morning kiss, turned into something really intense. A moan escaped my lips as he started nibbling on my jaw and licked my ear lobe. I blushed profusely as he looked at me intently, a smirk on his pink lips while I tried my level best to ignore his gaze.

"Why darling, you seem quite flushed, I wonder why".


All the intense feelings went down the drain and I looked at him a bit irritatedly.

"Shut up! I am not".

His smirk turned into a wicked grin, and he gave me another sloppy kiss on cheek with a smack as he pulled me up with him. Grabbing my hand he pushed me in the bathroom, urging me to take shower. Rolling my eyes at him, I pushed him out preparing to shower. Once the hot water poured down my back.
I felt like I was on cloud nine, the soothing sensation of the steamy shower was the only stress relief that I needed at the moment. Letting all the stress roll off my body, making me feel at peace. Now was the time to think about our situation, I wanted to do this since so long. Think about the situation we were in and what I should do about it.
For once my inner conscience was taking a break from being all sarcastic and trying to be more mature. I let the past behind me and look into the most rational perspective of how to do things now. How could I be certain that Axcel was no more a part of my life. Or the fact that he has gone good. Was it my inner doubts that were rising? Or was it the fact that in my life there were no happy endings. There was too much darkness and lives involved.

"Ailey? You still in there? It's been 50 minutes".

"Coming". I yell back. I hadn't noticed, it had been that late. Once out of the bathroom. I grab on to my blue dress and walk out as I towel dry my hair.

Two big bags on the bedroom are the first thing that I see making me question, of Adrian's whereabouts, still amidst this thought, hustling sound from the walk in closet catch my attention as Adrian walks out with a pile of clothes in his hand.

"What's all this?"

"You know what this is. Now help me pack, our flight is in the next hour".

"Adrian this isn't how- hey give me that!! You sir are no gentlemen!!!"

I squeaked as he started stuffing my bag with stuff and grabbed on to a see through lacy black bra, which Andrea had gotten for me on my wedding, my cheeks felt hot; as Adrian smiled wickedly at me. Coming closer he squeezed my cheeks as he whispered in my ear, "Whoever said I was a gentleman love? If anything, I am a rogue".

Blood rushed in my ears as I smacked his chest and started packing my stuff. I was frustrated with these reactions I was having.
I felt like a brazen tramp for crying out loud, but everytime Adrian was near me, I just felt like I was being drawn to him, like my body couldn't resist this attraction that we were having.

The ringing of Adrian's phone left me puzzled, only to find him not in the room. Since the ringing won't stop, I picked it up.


"Hi love, how are you doing?" , Came the slithering voice of Evelyn making my blood run cold. But what wasn't expected was the hesitation that came with it. She was trying to sound cold somehow, her voice felt shaking.

"How-How are you calling- you're-"

"Supposed to be in jail? Yeah that kind of place just wasn't good enough for me, but that's not the point, we need to talk Ailey, and you know it well enough I always get what I want".

That being said, the line cuts and a cool tremor passes down my spine, I then turn to only find Adrian walk into the room, seeing me fear-stricken, he drops the stuff and hurries towards me.

"What's wrong?"


Thats all he needs to hear; grabbing our stuff he speed dials his assistant, "I don't care how you make it happen, I want it done now- make sure the security check is complete. I want complete all my family calls bugged- AND I WANT THIS ALL IN THE NEXT THIRTY MINUTES- or consider yourself UNEMPLOYED".

Grabbing my hand, he starts packing our stuff. I manage to speak before he shushes me again, "Not now Ailey".
"But what about Rina and the stuff left here".

"I am certain the stuff can manage, Rina will take a few days off".

That being said. I nodd, knowing that at this moment I must trust Adrian. I must trust my husband.

Author note:
Hey guys I am back. I deserve all the angry comments but trust me I was really busy don't worry from now onwards updates will be quicker I promise.
Till then lots of love.

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