Chapter 20: Oreos & Crisps

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The pitter patter of the rain slowed down and we looked out to see the dark clouds coming to stand still.

The rain had stopped and it was past midnight. We both were full. The crisps and oreos had taken a toll on us and truthfully, the thought of another oreo seemed depressing. I couldn't believe I was saying that.


"Hmm?"He shifted towards me near the fire, his blue eyes shown like two black opals, against the flames.

I gulped heavily, his face looked so pure, so relieving, it made me want to never let go of him.

"Umm... We should probably stay here for the night... I mean it... It could rain again..."

"If I am not mistaken, did you just ask to spend the night here with me?"

He asked, the same stupid smirk plastered on his face. My eyes bulged and panic rose up,

"NO! I mean... For safety reasons, we both would get dirty and wet".

The silent made me realize what I had said,
Adrian bursted out laughing, while my face started steaming up. Oh my goodness!

After laughing his butt off, he stopped and looked at me, a smile stretching his lips till his eyes were formed into chinks, he brought his hand up and pointed a finger at me in a 'come hear' move, when I kept on sitting stock still with my face burning and mortification rising within me, he leaned in further and whispered in my ear,
"The rain... That is not the only thing that can get you dirty Ailey".

My ears perked up at his husky voice as his minty breath touched my cheeks, before I could say something, I could feel his lips on my cheek. I closed my eyes and breathed in.

Fearful of what happens next I opened my eyes only to see, Adrian nowhere near me, instead he was standing up, gathering our things.

When I looked at the time, it was almost 5 in the morning. Our clothes had dried, I saw him pick his jacket up, from the bag and then move towards the bags. Slowly, I got up and picked my stuff up.

"Come on Slowpoke. We need to reach the gas station in this very century".

A smile stretched on my lips. This was Adrian. He would turn out to be a jerk at the end of the day, but other than that he had a heart which he kept hidden from everybody. A heart that I had the desire to open, because besides the coldness in it, it had kindness and that kindness had indeed touched me.

~The Gas Station~

"What do you mean we can't get to call or reach Mor'era Ville by night".

Adrian asked the old guy who owned the gas station. He seemed least bothered with the fury that was fuming from Adrian and replied in an exasperated tone,

"I mean what I said, you don't see that kind of a storm everyday mate, the lines are damaged pretty bad".

"Looks like we would have to stay here for sometime, you know any kind of shelter we can find here somewhere".

"Why! You sure can mate! Walk straight this path and you will find a motel, they have been successful for years".

"Thank you". I said, as Adrian and I walked out. Luckily once we had reached the motel the old lady who was incharge let us in and we found a phone to contact someone.

As Adrian got finished with the call, he walked towards the counter where I was standing, "So what happened? Did you get in contact with anybody?"

"Yeah. Jodie said, somehow, Mr. Mclellan got stuck in the storm too, so he decided to postpone the meeting".

When I kept on staring waiting for more information, he rolled his eyes and started speaking again,
"Also since the storm hit, the roads have been blocked, it would take time for Arthur to pick us from here, about three days to the least".
I sighed heavily, looks like we are stuck here. Adrian turned to the old lady now, "Ma'am we would like to have two rooms for a couple of days".

"Oh dear, you both look such an adorable couple, I am afraid there is only one room left, its the honeymoon suite would you take it, I decorated it myself".

"WHAT!? Oh no ma'am you got us all wrong, uhh we... I mean I... and him.."

"Any room would be fine Ma'am, I apologize for my wife, she gets overly expressive at times".

Once we had reached the room, I was in awe, it was beautiful. Cream colored walls and georgette net curtains of crepe gold hid the soft bed, which was laden with a beautiful blanket of light pink roses. The floor was wooden and there were floor length windows through which the glimpse of the dim sunlight shone from the corner of the clouds.

All in all, it was quite breathtaking for a run down old motel, but hey this was Scotland after all the meadows had already made me fell in love with it.

I turned as the door closed behind me. It seemed as if the enchantment of the room had entrapped my husband's attention too. Our eyes locked as he walked towards me and whispered only a foot distance away.

"Welcome to your honeymoon suite dear wife".

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