Chapter 18: Welcome to Scotland

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As soon as the Vittorio's private jet landed we both sighed with relief. The moment we had entered the jet I was in awe with the interior of it while Adrian had grumpily went to the back to take a nap in the bedroom at the back of the jet.

Once the door opens and I look out at the view I get to do a double take again. The view in front of me has my inner conscience squealing with glee. Scotland is beautiful. The greenery of the grass overflowing on the hills with such exotic colored flowers blooming makes me feel as I am in heaven.

The cool breezy wind blows my hair and I feel the cool wetness of the wind on my face making me feel at one peace. Luckily the car is already waiting for us at the airport. Adrian thanks the guy who hands him the key, I am guessing  he is only in his teen years from his unfit physique. Anywho, once the boy leaves, we both get in the car and another war begins. Adrian starts the car and rushes out of the airport as if wild gorillas were after him.

"What is wrong with you! Atleast drive slower".

"I am driving just fine, you need to stop being so Miss Prim and Proper".

"You are driving above the speed limit, genius and I pretty much wish to live a long peaceful life, which I doubt I will get if you keep on driving like a group of apes is after you".

"Ailey! Don't talk to me in that tone!!"

Suddenly, there is a big bump and my head crashes straight in the ceiling of the car while Adrian hits the window. Our car swooshes off the road until Adrian takes in control and grabs hold of me pulling me towards him while the car smashes into a tree.

Smoke covers the entire car. I feel a little pain on the side of my head and look up to find Adrian looking down at me.

"Oh my God! Are you ok".

"I am fine. Are you ok?"

He asks, holding my face in his hands. His eyes look concerned at me, and he lightly grazes my forehead where the bruise has already formed.

I nod my head to assure him that I am fine. He hugs me again and we both get out of the car.
The front bonnet of the car is pretty much ruined and a huge crack is there on the windshield. Adrian grabs our bags and comes over to me while I try to straighten my red check shirt.

"So any idea where we are?" I ask while Adrian tries checking his phone for signals.

"No. Looks like there aren't any signals coming either, I have been through this route before I know the way, there is probably a gas station, some kilometers from here, lets just hope you can walk uptil there, without managing to hurt yourself or get in trouble". He states 

"Hey I can walk just fine". I retort back. This argumentative environment was getting too exhausting for the both of us.

Well atleast the weather is cheerful. The sky was cloudy and it was drizzling a little while the birds chirping was adding up to the joyous weather, the wind was cool and breezy making me feel good and the greenery was perfect. 
Now after being quiet for a decent 50 minutes, I started to feel bored.

"So! How far is the hotel in which we are to stay".

"Finally! The queen awakens, well atleast you managed to stay zip lipped for a whole 50 minutes... Good job".

"You know this sarcasm is getting old, oh wait so are you... Maybe that is why you are so cranky".

Adrian turned around and stared at me angrily while I just rolled my eyes and kept on walking ahead. 

After sometime he shook his head, and I heard him reply.

"Its still 4 hours away from the airport, and I am guessing we just left the airport and crossed two roads so that means, still a long way to go".

Nodding we started walking again, my legs had started cramping now, even one of my leg was feeling almost as if pins and needles were being poked in it. It was almost dead. So I sat down only to get my foot slip on the slippery road and my ankle to twist.

A scream escaped my lips, and tears themselves formed in my eyes. The pain was making me screech horribly within a minute, Adrian was at my side, he immediately took my bag from me and helped me sit on a big boulder that was on the side. 

"You ok? What happened?"

"My! My ankle, its hurting too much!"

The pain was getting unbearable. I felt someone undoing the lace of my shoes and I looked down to see a kneeling Adrian infront of me carefully examining my foot. Oh my goodness, what the hell is he doing, I immediately pulled my foot back only to have him tighten his grip on my leg.

"Hold Still... Ailey, listen, it's going to hurt a little I'll try my level best to be very careful, just hold on to me, ok, it will be fine".

He slowly lifted his gaze to mine making me get lost in his ocean blues while he slowly wiped away my tears. Once I nodded at him, he slowly lifted my foot up and grazing it with his long fingers, he immediately moved it to the right side making all the breathless. It struck me so hard I immediately clasped onto Adrian's collar leaning and putting my head in the crook of his neck.

"Shh... It is almost done...".
With that said he gave my ankle another twist, and another half of oxygen left my lungs. Soon the pain numbed and I felt better a little. Making me realize the awkward position we were in. I slowly tried to back away from him only to feel Adrian's arms going around me, holding me down closer to him.

I looked up to find him looking down at me, his eyes were filled with concern and that same, ocean of misty feelings making me feel bounded in front of him, the most dominant feeling in his beautiful ocean blue eyes was lust, drowning me, making me feel breathless too, and somehow, that lust was consuming me so much that I was feeling it too. His lips were all supple and pink a little open forming a small 'o' and so sinisterily close to mine.

My lips felt dry all of a sudden from the close proximity we both were in, making me lick my lips, this made him, lean in further, as I closed my eyes feeling his finger slightly graze my lower lip, I moved in further too. Just as our lips were about to meet, a massive sound was heard making us both bounce apart. It was a thunderstorm approaching.

And suddenly, it started raining cats and dogs. Adrian hurriedly got up and so did I and we rushed hoping to find some shelter, luckily an old shabby hut came into our view. We knocked twice only to learn that no one was there. We both entered in.

My wits were out of order. I couldn't what was almost about to happen. If it weren't for the thunderstorm we would have almost kissed. I would have almost kissed Adrian Vittorio, my husband.

Ok this is it guys. I hope you enjoy this chapter. This chapter is dedicated to a sweet reader of my book @kittyrosie
I hope you guys love the chapter
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