Chapter 22: The AfterMath

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The morning sunlight seeped in through the curtains, making me squint my eyes, to say I was never a morning person, yet my aunt would always make sure that I wake up early.

Finally, I decided to get up, I was feeling little shocks of migraine, but I ignored them and got up in a sitting position on the bed, I turned to my other side only to find Adrian sound asleep. His perfectly set hair in a tousled mess, some of the strands fell on his forehead urging me to run my fingers in them.
I brought my hand up to his forehead and started pushing them back, he looked so peaceful. His eyes were closed, his sweet soft lips were slightly parted. His slight stubble rubbed on my hand as I ran my fingers in his hair. Another glance at his lips, reminded me of last night. A tingly shrill ran up my spine. It was the perfect kiss. The way his soft lips had touched mine and how securely he had held my face in his warm hands, as if, he lets go I might break.

Too lost in my thoughts, I hadn't noticed Adrian had already woken up. It was when he gave my arm a tug I got aware of my whereabouts. His tug was so strong that I almost fell on top of him. His eyes looked playful, as he smirked at me.

Before I could speak, he pulled himself up and pecked my lips, which made the butterflies in my belly give a pounce again, 

"Good Morning".


Unable to utter a word I blatantly looked at him. He got up as I sat on the bed, and walked towards the attached bathroom. My cheeks were all red, I couldn't see them but I could actually feel their heat. Closing my eyes I heaved in a sigh. Was I making a mistake? Was I trusting Adrian too fast?

I needed to talk to Andrea. She would give me the best advice. Her swaps with Holder had no doubt matured her efficiently. Their pair was adorable. He was like a manchild at times and she was the protecting soccer mom, but they cared and loved each other to bits and so much more, their love could be seen.

Getting up I cleared the bed, and opened my bag to take out my toiletries. I had ordered breakfast from the room service as Adrian walked out of the bathroom.

Freaking Jellybean, he stood only with a towel around his waist there making bubbly tingles consume my nerves, as if I had been taken to complete new world.

"Like what you see darling?"

"I um- no I just... excuse me".

With that said, I rushed in to the bathroom leaving a chuckling Adrian behind. Once I had locked the door I decided to call Andrea. The phone kept on ringing until finally someone picked up. A husky Holder voice was heard,

"Why are you calling us so early in the morning?"

"I need to talk to Andrea... why else".

"Yeah well she can't talk righ--"

There was clacking sound as if the phone had fallen from his hand and soon Andrea's voice was heard,

"Hello, Hey Ailey, where have you been?"

"What was all that about".

"You don't wanna umm... know that".
Holder's laugh was heard from behind, to which I rolled my eyes smiling.
"Okay... Andy something happened and I am kind of in desperate need of help here".

"What happened? Did Adrian do something ? Again?? Where are you?"

Oh dear here come the twenty questions,

"Nothing like that, Adrian didn't do anything except the fact that umm, we kissed".

Silence. Deep Silence surrounded us for the next minute. I had to literally check the phone in case there were no signals. Then all of a sudden an ear piercing blood curling why the hell didn't you tell me ! was heard.

I laughed a little and then the actual discussion began. Andrea sighed when Holder took the phone from her and began his sermons on how to use my brain and not think with my heart and how men can destroy me. When his advices started becoming over bearing and too much it made me want to cry, Andrea snatched the phone back and said,

"Ailey, just ignore both of our point of views, this is going to be your decision, I agree with Holder, don't jump head on in it, but if you say he seems sincere and he wishes to give this marriage of yours a try then maybe you should you know give him a chance".

Once our conversation ended I started to freshen up, towel drying my hair after half an hour, I looked into the mirror, my face was squeaky clean.

Ok Ailey, so what should you do, give Adrian a chance or tell him to be his own way and you be on your own.


The smell of toast, tea and jam made my stomach growl, I was too hungry. Once reaching the other room, I saw Adrian reading the paper. As soon as I reached he straightened and kept the paper aside. Sitting across him we were engulfed in a pin drop silence as we ate our delicious breakfast.



"I think we need to talk".

"About what?"
He seemed to say it as if he is all business, what was up with that, yet I had to be strong today.

"Our Marriage".

"Ailey. I want to not only make this marriage, a marriage of convenience, may be we can start afresh".

" I still haven't forgiven you, but I think, everybody deserves one chance, only, I don't know whether I am ready to give that chance yet Mr.Vittorio".

A smile came on his beautiful lips, he leaned forward, his eyes looking straight at me,

"Oh is that so Mrs. Vittorio".

The way he said, made a tumble of nerves knot together in my belly, but I had to be strong and therefore I stood my ground.
I nodded at him keeping a straight face yet allowing him a genuine smile.

"I kind of doubt you can change my mind, Adrian".

His eyes lingered on me, then trailed down to my lips, he got up from his chair and walked to where I sat, where as my heart was about to pump out of my chest, his eyes didn't leave me for a second, until, he was right in front of me and he knelt down to my level,

"A deal it is Ailey, I will make sure you give this chance to me".

"A deal it is then Adrian, so shall we shake on it or like make contract because I know how fond you are of cont-mmm"

Before I could say more, his lips had already captured mine, he took my lower lip in his mouth and bit it making me gasp in surprise to which he took as a signal to enter in my mouth, his hands that were holding me from my shoulders, came around me pulling me to his chest while my hands kept firmly on his chest playing with the buttons of his shirt, he carressed my lips so softly with his, it was like I couldn't breathe if his lips didn't touch mine. He kissed me with great fervor, and I slowly started kissing him back.

He moved a little back kissing my nose, as we both breathed in some oxygen,

"That is how we sign this deal, Ailey".

Hearing this, I smiled and looked up at Adrian, he looked down at me sharing the smile with me, I knew many girls in my place wouldn't do what I was about to do, but I knew it in my heart that this was the right decision, he did deserve one chance.

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