Chapter 17: The Argument

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"Where were you?" He said once we both composed, now the snarky side of me decided to make a comeback and like always make a mess.

"Why? You lost your ego and want me to find it for you? It is kinda hard to lose, it is the size of jupiter".

Although, my comeback wasn't that much classy, but hey it left him shunned, it worked fine with me, so moving aside I decided to walk to my room, my feet were hurting me for standing for three hours straight and the bed was almost in my reach when a hand came from nowhere pulling me back. As his grip tightened I tried to free myself only to have both my arms gripped tightly in his and I am chest to chest close to him.

"How many times do I have to tell you never talk to me in that tone". His voice was hoarse and I could feel the anger seething from him.

"And how many times Adrian do I have to feel you making a fool of me that too, right in front of MANY PEOPLE". I said pushing him away, freeing myself from his grip. Everytime he neared, my heartache would increase and I would feel these butterflies jumping in my belly kinda feeling which I didn't want to be familiar with anymore.

"You don't have to give me excuses Adrian, I understand you have a very complicated life, you were pushed into this marriage like I was and now I am sorry but you find it hard to be with Evelyn, I won't push you to be with me, its fine, so just stop meddling in with me, I know, I get it".

He stood there shunned, his face showed no emotions whatsoever yet there were many emotions that I knew he might be feeling. I could feel my tears welling up, they weren't of remorse but, of anger, frustration, the brutality of rejection all welled up into one. So, with that long speech said I grabbed my purse and walked into my room.

The knock on the door felt like a massive bolt on a cemented brick wall waking me up from my perfect slumber. Mumbling to myself since I wasn't at all a morning person, I opened the door to find Adrian's assistant standing there. Her smile turned into a frown once she looked at me.

"Mrs. Vittorio! Why aren't you ready yet ? The flight would be leaving in just an hour or so".

"What flight ? Calm down Jodie, wait, what are you talking about?"

"Mr. Vittorio didn't tell you, he booked two tickets last night, he said since, Emma had insisted you should accompany him on his business trip to Scotland".

"Whoa! He did what ? Emma didn't say such a thing! Well not to me! You must be mistaken ! And Adrian never to-" I said all in one go.

"I would have gladly told you if you wouldn't have carried on with your speech on justice and freedom". Came Adrian's voice from behind me.

Jodie saw her boss and immediately straightened her aura.

"Well, you had ample of time but you didn't inform me, therefore I am not going! Jodie cancel my booking".

"Oh no! You are going! Jodie you work for me, you will not dare do anything as such".

"Huh... You can't just harrass her by threatening her job".

"I am not harrassing her, I am just ordering her to do her job right"

"She is doing her job right, you are just forcing her".

"You Can't tell me what to do".

By now we both were standing face to face only a foot distance between us, yelling like completely two idiots.

"ALRIGHT... That is enough... Ailey... Adrian... Get ready, Jodie pack up Ailey's things... You both are going, stop this argument this instant". Came the stern voice of Emma, standing just beside Jodie who seemed to have had a panic attack any moment.

Before I could argue more with her, Emma gave me a challenging look stating clearly that her momma bear aura is on to which I grudgingly surrendered.

"Fine I will go but only for you Emma,".

"Good, because if it weren't for mom, I won't take you either".

"Oh don't begin with me Adrian, I wouldn't have dreamed of going either".

~Third Person POV~

Emma smiles seeing the young couple argue. How can they both not realize they are meant for each other, this whole trip to Scotland was a scam, so that they can cool down and get over their differences. She smiled at the redhead 22 year old girl beside her, "They really are something, aren't they Jodie".

"Mrs. Vittorio, if you ask me, I have never seen Mr. Vittorio (Adrian), so relaxed, he is frustrated to the extreme but for the first time his guard is down, its kinda surprising to see this".

"Oh Jodie, you have no idea, are all the plans ready for their trip".

"Yes ma'am everything is done and ready".

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