Chapter 42: The Red Letter

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My hand shivers as I pick up the call.

"Axcel, what do you want?"

"Not what you think, its more likely what you might want", He replies and for once the jerk-face sounds genuine. He isn't speaking like a monster, but I keep my guard up.

"Why are you calling me? Didn't you do enough damage as of now?"

"You want to know the truth about your Aunt don't you, about all the cr*p, that's been going in your life". This makes me pause, did he know something, did everyone know something about my life that I didn't.

"Keep talking Axcel, what do you know please just tell me".

"I will but... listen to me carefully. There are people after us. You and me. You must not let them win Ailey! You must not!" He kept on babbling and for once he seemed afraid, afraid of something that even I didn't know of, I asked him but he refused to tell me anything on the phone.

"There's a location of a small cafe left in your closet on a white envelope, follow it and meet me there Ailey."

"Wait what? How did you".

"There isn't much time left Damn it! Just trust me this once Ailey, for your own sake before she finds me too".

"She- who? Who are you talking about?! Hello? Axcel".

But it was too late the line went dead, and I hurriedly got ready, Axcel was right, there was indeed an empty envelope left in my closet with an address of the meet-up location and a time of 6pm.
Hurriedly looking at the clock, I learnt it was 5:30. Without missing a beat, I threw my hair in an easy ponytail and put on some yoga pants and plain white button down shirt.

Grabbing my shades and car keys I walk out. Cade is immediately behind me,

"Ailes! where are you off to? I'll be coming with you".

Ailes! That's new, Cade always called me Mrs.Vittorio, so what was with this closeness and sudden friendliness. Nodding my head, to free myself from unnecessary thoughts I tell him I have to meet with a friend just around the corner, and I prefer to do it alone. After 10 minutes of continuous bickering he finally agrees to drive me there and stay at a close distance.

Reaching the cafe I immediately walk to the spot to find, Axcel sitting there already, in a trench coat and dark brown shades that hide his eyes. His condition looks far worse than the last time I saw him. From swollen red eyes, to a scruffy beard, its clear he has been in distress. He pulls his coat closer and takes his hat off.

"Talk Axcel! And this better not be another one of your stunts, or I swear to God, I will kill you".

"Calm down Ailey and listen carefully, I know your conflicted and have a lot of questions! I will answer them, but I have very limited time so listen to me carefully".

I stay assertive but sit down and lean in.

"Ailey, what I did in the past, I am extremely apologetic of it, but you have to believe me the danger you are in- I was trying to protect you!".

"From who Axcel? Why the f— is everyone trying to protect me, without acknowledging me?"

I ask anger coursing through my veins, the same petty response infuriates me more,

"You are so pure for this world Ailey, and some of them out there are poison!"


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