Chapter 21: The Kiss

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"Huh". That is the only reply that I am capable of coming up with.

Soon a smirk forms on his face and he walks to another corner of the room, I slowly turn and look at him nervously.
Just as another blush is about redden my face, my stomach growls adding more to my mortification.

I guess I should order something to eat. Huffing a breath in, I speak to Adrian who seems too lost in the view which he is admiring from the window.

"Adrian... I am going to order food now you want something?"

"Sure... What's on their menu".

"Anything which can be read from a paper that has surely seen better days".

He smirked again as he turned towards me and walked to where I sat, now in my ripped shorts and loose V-necked shirt chewing a pencil as I looked at the small piece of paper that was surely a menu card in the early 80's.

A knock was heard and I walked to open it. Mrs. Benjamin walked in pushing a dish cart double her size.

"Oh dear, you both must be hungry, well you both are lucky, I made my special Bolognese Lasagna, now hurry up dig in".

~After 10 minutes~

"Wow... this place is heaven".

"Hmm..She even brought Champagne, want some ?"

I nodded a little, already grabbing a plate and stuffing my face with the creamy chicken lasagna as it melted in mouth.

~Two Hours Later~

We had stuffed our self with the amazing lasagne that the owner of the inn, Mrs Benjamin had given us, surprisingly, the champagne was so good we had drank the entire bottle.

My eyes now seemed droopy. And I wanted to sleep without any other delay. Adrian was sitting beside me on the carpeted floor. The material of the carpet was so soft that I had the urge to actually call it flurry. Yeah that made me realize I must be really drunk. Wow I Ailey Vittorio, the girl who never drank even more than two cans of coke was actually drunk.

And for the record I was holding it pretty well. I mean who wouldn't mind having a rabbit fur like carpet be called flurry. Or fluffy. Besides rabbits are so cute. They have small button like noses and they are cuddly and one can even kiss their small adorable cutesy fur.

Woah ! Kiss! That reminded me of Adrian. We were about to kiss. The storm. His eyes. Those damn addictive lips. They looked so soft and so pink, so supple if only.
I turned to look at him only to catch him looking straight at me.

"Adrrrriiaan.... you knooww I really like Fluffy".

"What? Ailey who is fluffy?"

"I named this carpet fluffy, like a rabbit, isn't it?"

"Ok you seriously are drunk. Come on get up lets get you in bed".

"No! I was thinking we could talk".

"Talk- What is it that possibly wanna talk about at 2 in the night, now get up you are going to sleep".

"Adrian, I have a question". I said immediately going all serious holding his hands and making him look at me, his smirk vanished and he looked at me,

"Why ? Why did you marry me? If I were so much of a pain to you? Why do you hate me so much?"

"Ailey. I don't hate you. I never hated you-"

He stopped there as if analyzing the words he was about to say next,

"I learnt the truth... I know I messed up, I hurt you a lot, more than I can ever imagine, but I know I hurt you and I am so so sorry".

"The truth? What are you talking about?"

"Ailey... I was fooled into believing that you married me for money, I kept on believing all of those concieted lies, that that wrecked women kept on telling me and I kept on believing her, I realized the truth when I saw you that day, crying when your aunt passed away, I knew then you were pure, I have nothing to say but that I am sorry".

I hadn't noticed that tears had slipped out of my eyes, and my heart was beating a lot faster now, Adrian's eyes looked so sincere and concerned at me, his face oh so close to mine, I couldn't correspond what I was going to do.

~Adrian's POV~

She looked so innocent, so pure, sitting there looking at me, small tears flowing down her cheeks, I couldn't help my self slightly bringing my hands up and wiping the tears off her soft chubby cheeks. I had poured out all the guilt that was within my chest in the stupid organ people called 'heart'. It felt like a burden had been lifted off my chest.

"Say something".

"She fooled me too, She got me fired before, I could get my job confirmed, it was before the launch of my bookstore, I never thought she would do such a thing".

Without another minute I kissed her forehead, to which I heard her gasp, I looked down at her, her eyes were looking at me so longingly, so pure so innocent, those hazel brown eyes were my weakness somehow they had caught my attention since the day I had caught her from falling off the stairs back at her aunt's place.

She leaned upwards, as I slowly traced my thumb across her soft pink lips, the thought of how moist they were made my heart pound, as I remembered her sitting on that boulder, I leaned in more, our eyes lost in each others, our lips touched and for the first time I felt tingles all over my body.

He caressed my cheek and soon, I could feel my lips locked with his, butterflies flew up in my belly, as I felt him move his supple lips with mine, slowly I pulled him closer by letting my arms around his neck and he reciprocated holding my face in both his hands, and tangling his long fingers in my open hair.

When the need of air became highly important we parted a little creating small space between us, our foreheads touched, I felt Adrian's two fingers go under my chin pulling my face upwards,

"I guess, I am forgiven".
A smirk plastered on his face, which made me smile, but before I could tell him, how badly I still wanna punch him, sleep and dizziness consumed me and soon blackened spots entered my vision. The lasting thought in my mind was, I just had shared the best kiss in the world, with my husband.

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