Chapter 25: The Fresh Start

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The carriage stops and we get off paying the fare.
The evening is indeed filled with such a peaceful environment that it makes me sigh.

"What has you in such a cheery mood ?"

"It's Europe I guess, I never traveled abroad, I was very young when my parents took me to Disney land but not other than that, so this feels new".

"Well the Lil bird is opening her wings to fly ain't that a good thing".

I shrugged and made a face at him,
"Oh come on Adrian don't tell me you don't like this view, just look at the street lights, the food, the decor... haven't you ever been on a vacation?"

I meant to ask him as a joke but what surprised me was he really hadn't been on a vacation, poor guy, he was always busy with his business endeavors all the time he hadn't even walked out to even get coffee.

I turned towards him with a smile,

"Very Well, since you are done with the meeting and all and our flight isn't scheduled back till a day after tomorrow, I guess we have ample of time for a small vacation".

"Oh no Ailey, get that thought out of your head right now, there is no way I would--"

Before he could put his guard up and turn all bossy I pulled at his arm, and dragged him towards the street, apparently, it was some midsummer festival preparation going on and people had put up small stalls, food, jewelry, dresses, different antique ornaments you name it.

A man in the corner stood selling cotton candies and all kinds of sugar delights, then there was a young girl selling fine sewn table cloths and other culinary items, wooden carved show pieces, pots. We walked by many stalls, eating sweet swirl ice cream, corn dogs and buying some ornate jewelry for Emma, Andrea and Rina.


Damn my mother had forced me to be married off to a kid, Ailey was such a child, she even made me buy one of those swirl ice creams I used to enjoy as a child note it child, but the thing was it all seemed adorable, Ailey was adorable, the way she turned bossy, the way she smiled at the smallest of things, it was like she was the light in a room filled with darkness.

"Come on Slowpoke, I just found the most amazing thing of all". her sweet voice broke my chain of thoughts and I smiled at her childish attitude.

"What did you find now, sparky?" I replied jokingly, damn she was turning me soft, I was getting a bit too comfortable with her, Evelyn's last words echoed in my mind, "You can leave me Adrian if you want, but the fact is Ailey is spineless, the moment, you let you guard down for that witch, she is gonna cut you clean, just look what she did to me, ditched me for that pathetic Andrea girl and now she has even taken you".

"Sparky ? Really?" Ailey retorted back; making me push all my trashy thoughts back and focus on what she had said.

"Yeah Sparky, considering the way you made that waitress run I would say sparky suits you better than anything".

"Oh please Adrian she had it coming, flaunting herself like that, its just like a slap to the dignity of all othmm"

I grabbed her face in between my thumb and fingers she had such chubby cheeks, they made her eyes pop out more and her lips look more delectable, I looked her up and down, as she looked at me bug eyed and her face all squished like a fish; I laughed outright, she looked so cute, "You know you are adorable right Ailey".

Letting her face go I wiped the remnants of ice cream from her lower lip, her cheeks reddened with the touch and it made me wonder whether she would flush the similar way in other intimate situations too, I really needed to get my brain out of the gutter soon, Ailey wasn't ready for this and I must take things slow with her, we both need to earn each others trust as well.

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