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Tommy POV
I woke up on an actual bed this time with the sun shining through the blinds. "Uhhhhh..." I groaned while rolling off of bed. One thing I forgot. I CAN'T DO THAT ANYMORE. I'm not on the inflatable mattress that I've been sleeping on for the last month. Instead, im on an actual bed with a bedframe that's like a good 1 foot tall. Adding with my mattress that's also around 2 feet tall, I fell 3 feet. "Fuckin' hell man.. It's only.. 6:30?! Ugh.. Forgot what it's like to wake up so fuckin' early.." I groaned as I rolled on the floor. I finally got the motivation to get up and go to my closet. White t-shirt, a blue sweater that says.. I dont wanna read that.. And some jeans. It's good enough..

I threw it on and went to the bathroom. I washed my face, wiped off the excess water, cried for 5 minutes, brushed my hair, and went downstairs for breakfast. "Morning Tommy!" Phil said as if he didn't have to wake up at a stupidly early time. "Mornin'.." I responded, wiping my eyes. I don't wanna be alive today.. "Go back to bed. Nobody wants you here." Techno said. "Good morning to you too, Techno." I flipped him off while he took a sip of his coffee. "You dumbasses are the reason why shampoo has instructions." Wilbur said, obviously annoyed. "Love you too." Techno replied, completely unbothered by the other twin. We all took a seat at the table as Phil put down some food. Also known as pancakes.

We all ate in silence until everyone was done. Apparently, Phil already got us bags, a plain red bag for me, a plain pink bag for Techno, and a plain blue bag for Wilbur. Phil gave made us lunches, which we all stuffed in our bags. We brushed our teeth and packed some of the other stuff we needed, and finally, we were ready to go. "Alright, so. You know Minecraft Park? Yeah. Your school is next to that park. Just take a left and go straight after you pass the park. You also have to go to the principal's office once you get there to get your schedule." Phil explained as we all left. Techno had his headphones in, Wilbur was watching tiktok, and I was making sure I didn't get hit by a car.

Soon enough, we were there. It looked like your typical high school. Some people were crying, some people were laughing, some were hanging out at random places, and the rest were miserable. "Wait.. Do we know where the principals office is..?" Wilbur asked us. "Oh shit.." I muttered. "Uhh.." Techno walked up to a blonde with a green hoodie with matching green eyes. The 2 had a conversation, then the blonde pointed at random places. Techno then smiled, nodded, and waved the blonde guy goodbye. "Alright. So we take a left once we get in the school, then straight, then right, then left." Techno managed to say all at once. We followed where Techno went, and we made it to the principal's office.

"Why are you here?" Damn, the principal is kinda rude.. Mr. Schlatt. That sounds like a weird ass name. "Uhh.. We're new.. We need schedules." Wilbur responded. He sounded.. Nervous..? "Oh. Yeah. I'm not doing that. QAUCKITY!" A short guy around the twin's age with a beanie that said LAFD and a blue sweater came in the room. "What do you need, Mr. Schlatt..?" I guess his name was Qauckity asked. "Get these guys some schedules and maps." Qauckity sighed in response. "What are your guy's names?" Qauckity asked. "Wilbur, Tommy, and Technoblade Minecraft." Wilbur said in response. "Oh. Siblings." Qauckity shrugged and went in some random room. He then came out with 3 maps and 3 schedules. "I'll see you 3 around." Wilbur smiled softly, and we all left.


Tommy Minecraft

Locker number - 638
Code - 90672

Homeroom, Mr. Brofloski - 8:00-8:30

History, Mr. Stotch - 8:30-9:30

English, Mr. McCormick- 9:30-10:30

Science, Mr. Tucker - 10:30-11:30

Mathematics, Ms. Testaburger - 11:30-12:30

Break: 12:30-1:45

1:45-2:45 - elective:

Select one :)

Nutrition, Mr. Cartman
Art, Mr. Marsh
Music, Ms. Turner

2:15, go home!

The sound of going home was literally screaming my name. I wanted to get out of here.. So.. Homeroom starts in about 10 minutes.. I got out of the principal's office and went to the center of the school. I then ran off to go find my locker.

5 minutes later..

Found it! I entered the code and got into my locker. All that was in there were books. Fuckin books. I mentally groaned in my head and threw my bag in there. Then the bell rang. So, I headed to homeroom. I couldn't find until about 3 minutes, but that's fine! "Are you new?" I think his name was Mr. Broflaski asked? "Yeah." I responded. "Great, more people that make my job harder.." I heard him mumbled. "What?" I asked. "Nothing! Just introduce yourself." He shrugged. "Hello! I'm Tommy! And uh.. I don't know." "Alright. Go sit next to Ranboo. Ranboo, raise your hand." A dirty blonde then raised their hand.. Wait.. I recognize them! That's my neighbor! "Hi!" I said, only to get flipped off in response. What the hell? "Fuck off." Was all they said. "Ranboo. Apologize." A brunette with a beanie said. "Aimsey, I love you. But. No." So their name is Aimsey?

Aimsey sighed and said, "Sorry about them, I'm Aimsey!" "Nice to meet you!" I replied politely. Unlike Ranboo. "Sorry about Ran.. He can be a bit rude.." "You don't have to apologize!" I told Aimsey. "Fuck you." Ranboo said to the both of us. "What time?" I laughed. "I- What?! No! Not like that! I- You stupid asshole!" He stuttered out.

"Calm down. I know you didn't mean it like that."

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