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Lemon boy <33

Love you too
Thanks for the lemons

Where were you?


Ranboo died yesterday while walking home from school.
This is Tiffany.

I saw them walk home!
They were fine!

Oh, yeah.
I meant from work

But I saw them today!

No. You didn't.


You hugged some invisible guy when you were leaving

No I didn't.
I hugged Ranboo!

Stop it
This is not funny.
I dropped off the lemons because I found them in the backyard and it said 'To: Tommy' on the lid.

So when I text one of their friends
Their going to say he died?

But don't ask Aimsey or Bill
They did not take it well.


Tommy dropped his phone due to shock. He died? But.. He could've sworn he saw them just an hour ago! All of a sudden he got another text.



Who tf are you?


Who are you??

No response. Who was 'unkown'? And why were they asking Tommy for help? It's not like he knew anyone who needed help. So, Tommy shrugged it off. It was probably some a 13 year old pranking random people anyway. Ew. He felt tears run down his face. Why is it just now that Ranboo's death is hitting him? He needed to talk to someone. So, he got Techno's keys and drove to Tubbo's. Tommy knocked. "Oh! Aren't you.. What's your name..? Tommy! Yeah! Aren't you Tommy? Im Lani! Tubbo's sister! Tubbo is upstairs!" She let Tommy in, and Tommy ran into Tubbos room.

"Fuckin hell.. WHY THE FUCK ARE THESE PROBLEMS SO DIFFICU- Oh! Tommy?" Tubbo was confused. Why did Tommy look shittier than usual? Maybe it's because there were tears running down his cheeks and his hair was fucked up. "Hey! Calm down! What happened..?" Tommy ran over to Tubbo, and Tubbo just completely ingulfed him in a hug. "Ran-Ranboo! He- He's d-" Tommy was cut off by himself, choking on tears. "He's what?" Tubbo asked the blonde. "HE'S DEAD!" Tommy squeezed Tubbo tighter. Tubbo felt his heart just shatter. His best friend's boyfriend is dead. And here he is, crying in Tubbo's shoulder.

"I- I'm so sorry.." Tommy cried even louder. Tubbo had no idea what to do. What could he do? There's was no way he could just- you know.. Revive Ranboo. "Hey..!" Tubbo pulled Tommy off of him. "How about we go get some ice cream and go to the mall? Would that make you feel better?" Tubbo asked, wiping away Tommy's tears. Tommy sniffed. "I-I-" His voice was cut off due to choking on his own tears. "I would love to.." He said, finally fighting aaway the tears.

Tubbo smiled, "Then let's go!"

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