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3rd person POV
Tommy just came back to his house with a bag in his hands. The bag was filled with things Ranboo would've liked, making him cry again. "Tommy..? Are you..? Are you ok?" Techno's voice asked behind the door. Tommy got up and opened the door and saw both of the twins instead. "Woah! What happened?!" Wilbur asked, pulling Tommy in a tight hug. "Ra-Ranboo..!" Techno and Wilbur were confused. "Do you want us to have them come over..?" Techno asked the blonde. "N-no..! Y-You can-cant have s-someone wh-whos dea-dead o-over!" Techno and Wilbur's heart sunk.

"Oh.. Tommy.. Get away from him. My turn." Techno pushed Wilbur aside and was giving Tommy the tightest but most comforting hug. "Are we just gonna ignore that you pushed me into a wall?!" Wilbur yelled, fixing his glasses. "Shut up. Brother is crying. It's not your turn."i Techno whispered to the agreeing brunette. "It's alright.. I'm assuming you already went to Tubbo's?" Techno guessed he went to his best friend first. I mean, who wouldn't? "Y-yeah.." Tommy managed to chokeg out. "You poor thing.. WILBUR! GO GET THE BOY SOME ICECREAM!" Techno shouted. "On it!" Wilbur called out.

Tommy cried harder. Then Wilbur came with a bowl of ice cream. Honestly, Tommy cried less, but he was still crying. All of a sudden, he got a call. Tommy wiped away his tears, cleared his throat, and answered the unknown number. "Hello? Who is this?" Tommy asked as Techno observed. "TOMMY. PLEASE HELP ME." Tommy's eyes widened. That- Did he hear that, right? That was Ranboo's voice! "Stop acting like you're my dead boyfriend! It's not funny!" Tommy yelled into the phone. The caller began to cry quietly. "Please.. Tommy.. He's coming soon!"

"Who is coming?!" Tommy did not wanna be convinced that this was his boyfriend. No. His boyfriend died. "HES COMING! ABANDONED TARGET! ON MAINSTREET!" The caller hung up. "Ugh.. Unfunny little grimey 13 year olds." Techno groaned. "Notice how panicked they sounded..? Dont you think we should call the cops anyway..?" Wilbur asked the pinkette. "No, their being called on a lot because there's been a lot of fires recently." Techno responded. "Isn't that the fire fighters' job?" The brunette asked. "Oh, no. Our world we live in logic." Techno shrugged. "Should we still go to the target?" Wilbur asked everyone else.

"It would be fun going to an abandoned target!" Techno said, trying to make Tommy feel better. Tommy smiled. "Yeah.. Let's go.." Tommy got up as the 2 changed into clothes that weren't pajamas. Then, the 3 went in the car. Soon enough, they were at the target. "It's unlocked. Little idiots.." Techno mumbled, putting away his mini crowbar. The 3 went inside to hear muffled screaming. "What the.." Tommy's voice trailed off. Wilbur had his attention on the last thing standing that wasn't a murder weapon. An acoustic guitar. It was somehow still in shape, and it was just a beauty.

"I could flex on James." Wilbur grabbed the guitar and began tuning it. Who knew that's all you had to do? Because it ended up sounding beautifully. "Yeah?? Yeah??" Wilbur asked the others. "Yeah!" Tommy said joyfully. Wilbur also just happened to find a bag for the guitar. Wilbur slung the thing around his shoulder, and he looked GREAT. "Wow.. You have a little guitar. Now let's go!" Techno yelled, grabbing Wilbur's wrist. The muffled screaming came back. "What is that?!" Wilbur yelled, clearly annoyed. "I don't know.." Tommy replied. "It's coming from.. The back..?" Techno was confused. I didn't question it once, though.

He took out the mini crow bar he always had in his pocket and opened the door. "Hello..?" Techno called out. All of a sudden, the screaming stopped. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" The person who yelled that a middle-aged man. He had dirty blonde hair, although it was fucked up, grey-ish eyes, somewhat... And I mean this is the nicest way possible, fat..? He also had some random white tank top with some jeans. "Uhm.. Your mom." Techno laughed at his own joke. Then Tommy and Wilbur came into the room.

That's when an alcohol bottle was thrown at the 3. "GET THE HELL OUT!" The middle-aged man screamed. That's when he literally gets a baseball bat and starts swinging it. Techno found a metal pole, a good 4 feet long. Techno, who took fencing lessons, doesn't start swinging it, but he does start hitting the guy with it.

Tommy POV
I just ran into Ranboo's dad!!! What the hell?!! I scattered for a place to hide, but the muffled screaming starts again. I look around, nothing. I still run around. And there he was.


Tied up.

I ran over to Ranboo. "Oh my god! What happened?! Why the fuck did Tiffany tell me you were dead?!" I whispered, hugging the other. "Oh- sorry!" I started untying the rope around them and took off the tape on their mouth. They started crying in my shoulder. "Ev-everything hur-hurts!" They cried. "It's alright.. You better tell me what happened.." I said. "I will..! We just have to get out of here..!" I wiped away Ranboo's tears and managed to find pillows for them.


That was.. ear piercing.. I ran toward the scream. There he was. Techno with a cut. Across his cheek. Techno tripped him and ran away, just in time, making sure he kept the metal pole with him. "Holy shit! Are you ok?!" I asked frantically. "Yeah.. I'm fine.." Techno responded. "Here!" Wilbur gave Techno a dirty pillow case. "Ew. Gross. I'd rather bleed out." Techno used his sleeve instead. That's when Ranboo's dad found us again. "OH HELL NO! GOGOGOGOGO!!" Wilbur screamed, picking up Ranboo and running away with them. We were soon backed into a corner, and Techno went in front of us, holding the metal pole protectively. "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM MY BROTHERS." Techno yelled.

Ranboo's dad was about to throw another alcohol bottle until..


That guy.. He looks like Ranboo.. "Matt.. Matthew..?" Ranboo said weakly as we walked over to the FBI team. "Aaron Ender, you are arrested for 1st degree murder, attempted murder, abuse, and sexual assult." One of the FBI members said as they took Ranboo's dad out. "TIFFANY?!" I yelled. "Heyyyy!! Meet mine and Ranboo's brother, Matthew!" Tiffany was about to cry when she said Ranboo, but then she saw who was in Wilbur's arms.

"RANBOO!" She screamed, running over to them. "Hey.. Put me down..?" He asked Wilbur, who did what the other said. "Hey Tiff.." Ranboo hugged Tiffany. "You're back!" Ranboo said happily as he hugged Matthew. "I always said I would.. And now that I'm an adult.." He paused. "I'm your legal gaurdian!" Everyone cheered. The FBI members brought us outside, putting these dark purple blankets around our shoulders, also bandaging Techno's and Ranboo's wounds.

"Hey.." I said, nudging Ranboo's shoulder.
"I still wanna know what happened."

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