Behind the scenes

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Tommy POV
I just got out of school and ended up with 2 friends, Aimsey Television and Tubbo underscore! Yeah.. Sometimes, I wanna cry due to the amount of homework I have. I was pushed multiple times today, got a paper ball thrown at me that read 'You look gae', and I got called a bitch because I bumped into someone. And for the second one, yeah. I know. I'm bi. No shit sherlock. I waited at the gate as I waited for Techno and Wilbur. "Oi you bitch!" Oh god.. It was the person i bumped into today.. I think his name was.. Gerald? Jeff? Something that starts with a J and ends with a D.. OH! JARED!

"What..?" I asked, turning to the brunette. "Don't just say 'what?' To me like you didn't start shit today!" He pushed me, making me stumble a bit. "What the hell?!" I screamed. "What do you mea-" Jared was cut off by someone putting a hand on his shoulder. "Jared." Oh. Ranboo..? And oh god- that's a height difference.. "Oh.. Ranboo..!" Jared chuckled, you could tell he was nervous. "Leave the guy alone. Or you know what will happen." Even though Ranboo had a mask on, you could tell he was grinning. "I fuckin' hate you!" Saying that, Jared ran off. "You stood up for me..?" I said, completely confused. Ranboo scoffed. "Don't take it the wrong way, bitch." Ranboo walked off, but I'm pretty sure that there's no way home there.. I thought that was all where the cafés and restaurants are..? All of a sudden 2 familiar voice came from behind me.

"Alright! See you tomorrow!" Techno was hoping to see someone tomorrow? "That blonde fucker is annoying." Wilbur said, obviously pissed for no reason at all. "Dream isn't even that bad! He's also one of the reasons why we found the principal's office today!" Techno claimed as we all walked home. Ugh.. It's gonna take long to finish my homework..

Ranboo POV
Just got to the café I work at.. Well.. It's already shit. Someone already started throwing coffee, and it got my uniform DIRTY. I feel the urge to cry. And Bill isn't getting here until 30 minutes or something. "Hello!" A customer said, getting my attention immediately. "Hi! Welcome to Lemon café, my name is Ranboo! How may I serve you today?" I have no idea why it's even called lemon café. It has 2 lemon things on the menu. A lemon muffin and lemon flavored coffee or something. And it's stupid. "May I have.. Uh.. Uh.." Their voice trailed off. I was resisting the urge to tell them to hurry the fuck up before I shove a knife down their throat. "I'm sorry ma'am.. If you don't hurry up, we have to let someone else go in front of the lin-" Of course, I was cut off. "Shut the hell up! I'm deciding!" I hate people like this.

I felt my eye twitch hearing that insult. Don't say it. Don't say it. Don't say it. "May I have a pumpkin spice latte?" I gave her a blank stare. "Sorry.. Come again?" I asked. "Pumpkin spice! God! You guys don't know how to do anything nowadays!" She yelled. "I'm sorry ma'am.. It's summer.. We only sell those in the fall.." I explained. It's basic human knowledge. I swear, middle-aged women with the same haircut and hair color don't get that. "Ugh! I don't care! Get me the pumpkin spice latte!" I sighed hearing that response. "Ma'am. We don't sell pumpkin spice at the moment. If I could offer you a sweet refreshene-" I was interrupted. "Why don't you sell pumpkin spice?!" She shouted. At this point, kill me. "Cause it's summer..?" I responded, holding back the urge to tell her to get the fuck out of here.

"Don't give me attitude!" My blood was boiling. "Ma'am I'm not giving you attitude.. You can buy anything els e that's on the menu!" I pointed at the menu that you can CLEARLY see. "Give me the caramel latte with almond milk." She scoffed angrily. "Great! May I your name?" "Karen" Of course.. "Great! Your total is $2.50!" I responded happily. I'm happy that I don't have to deal with her anymore.. she went to a table and the next person was in line. "Oh! Bill! The usual?" I asked, finally happy that I have 1 decent person. "Yeah! Sorry that I couldn't come to school today.. I got suspended.." I chuckled a bit hearing that last part. "Again? It's only a week in of the second semester." Bill laughed. "Yeah.. I got used to it.." Bill shrugged. "So Chai tea latte..(I've never had that before) right..?" Even though she came here multiple times, I gotta make sure.

"NoOOOOooOoO. A pink drink. Of course a chai tea latte!" Bill responded jokingly. "Alright, your order should be out in about 3 minutes." After serving a couple of more customers, I gave Bill's their order, then Karen's order came out. Damn.. A order came out before me? Hah! Get it! Cause I haven't come out to my parents yet?? No? That's not funny? Right.. Sorry. "Caramel latte for Karen!" I called out. I saw the same annoying person with the same annoying haircut come up to me. I gave her the coffee, and she snatched it immediately. She took a sip and spat it out. "What the hell is this?!" She screamed. "Your order." I was resisting the urge to punching her in the face.

"No! You put fucking oat milk in my coffee! Change it!" She threw the coffee at my uniform. I sighed. Again? Seriously? "Ma'am.. I'm gonna need you to get out.." I said, trying to keep my cool. "Your service is fucking shit!" She screamed, walking out of the café.

Well.. That's what I'd like to call behind the scenes for Ranboo Ender..

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