Revenge with a touch of love

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3rd person POV
Ranboo was now in math. Honestly, it wasn't all that bad since he's in honors and everything. But everyone kept on staring at them. It's not a good thing. That's because, when you're in high school, people stare at you for 3 reasons, only one of the 3, though.

1. You embarrassed yourself.

2. Your wearing the ugliest fucking outfit.

3. You're everywhere on every kid's page.

Of course, it was the 3rd reason. Every time you see a kid that goes to MCHS and that went to the party, you can assure yourself that you've seen Ranboo. "Ranboo!" Ms. Testaburger screamed, catching Ranboo's attention from daydreaming. "Uh.. Yeah..?" Ranboo responded awkwardly. "Answer this question for me. Will ya?" Oh shit. Ranboo wasn't paying attention. "Oh. o-ok.." Ranboo went up to the whiteboard and saw the equation.


Alright.. that's a sophomore question, and he's a junior. At least, that's what a sophomore question looks like.. Ranboo scribbled on the whiteboard a couple of times until he got one answer, 42. "Good job. Next time, make it look like you're paying attention." Ranboo rolled their eyes in response. Ranboo sat back down. Actually paying attention this time. And not even a second of sitting down, a paper plane was thrown at them.

'Open me!
For: Ranboo
From: Jared'

Thats.. Strange.. Ranboo opened it,

'Fuckin [f slur]'

Then it showed a stupidly detailed picture of Ranboo kissing Tommy. 'You gotta be kiddin' me..' Ranboo thought, crumbling the paper then shoving it in their book. Soon enough, the bell rung. Holy shit. That felt like 10000 years even though it was only 1 hour. Ranboo ran out of that class faster than Mr. Cartman could call Mr. Brofloski a stupid jew. "Ran!" Aimsey called out, running behind Ranboo. "Aimsey! What do you need?" Ranboo asked while taking books out for their next class. "Uhm.. So you know Jared?" Aimsey asked.

"Yeah, why?" Ranboo asked the brunette. "He kinda told everyone your a slut who gets fucked 6 times a month.." Ranboo stopped everything they were doing once they heard that. "Oh. Ok." Ranboo responded blandly. "What? That's it?!" Aimsey was surprised that that was the only thing that Ranboo said. "No. That's not it. He'll see what's going on when he comes to school tomorrow." Ranboo was very excited now. Finally. He gets to embarrass someone else.


"Hey, connor!" Jared greeted, only to get a cold shoulder by his so-called 'best friend'. "What's going, Trent?" The same cold shoulder. That's when all of a sudden, Jared got jumped by like 3 girls. "YOU BITCH! YOU SAID TO EACH OF US WE WERE THE ONLY ONE!" Ah yes, of course, they were Jared's friends' girlfriends, now ex girlfriends. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN?!" Jared screamed while getting thrown at a trash can. "DONT ACT DUMB!" One of them screamed. After a couple of punches, the girls left. And as soon Jared stepped foot inside, he got jumped by like 6 other girls. "STUPID BITCH!" One of them threw their iced coffee on Jared's white t-shirt.

"Ladies- let's be civi-" Jared couldn't even finish before a sprint of perfume hit his eyes. "Girls, let's go. This asshole isn't worth it." The footsteps then faded away. As Jared finally regained his eyesight, he saw why the girls were so pissed.

Posters of him making out with different girls were all over the walls.

"Like the view?" Jared turned to see Ranboo giggling, leaning on the lockers. "YOU LITTLE BI-" Jared was cut off. "Now, now, let's be civil. Check out your locker first, I love how everyone designed it! Even Tommy and I partly designed it!" Ranboo giggled a little before Jared ran over to  his locker.


All of it was so funny. Seeing the look on Jared's face was priceless. Knowing that, what? Like. 9 other people came to vandalize the shit out of his locker was hilarious. Even Guqqie helped! She was the one who put the '13 people' one. Ranboo took a picture of the locker and posted it on their Instagram. That was for sure gonna gain a couple of likes. "Ranboo!" Oh! Tommy! "Hey Tommy!" Ranboo said while putting their bag in their locker. "I just wanna.. Make something clear.. Are we.. Or what are we..? Friends with benefits, boyfriends, what are we..?" Yeah. Tommy was building up the courage to ask that question.

Ranboo blushed a little. "Uhm.. Whatever you want..?" Ranboo was screaming on the inside because of how flustered this got them. "No.. I came to ask you about this specifically. Because I don't really know what to label us.." Tommy was also hoping that Ranboo would say boyfriends. How desperately Tommy wanted to hear that. He would literally kill just to spend 5 minutes with this boy. "I-I mean.. We can be boyfriends.. If you want, of course!" Ranboo was screaming with excitement on the inside.

"That'd be amazing! Would you like to go out on saturday? Just so, you know.. Make sure you wanna do this..?" Tommy was making sure Ranboo wanted to do this. He was literally broken up with because of the stupid dates he took his lovers on. "That would be amazing! What time?" Ranboo responded, trying to keep their excitement silent. "Is 9 PM ok?" Tommy asked. "Yeah! Of course, my dad is probably gonna be at someone else's house again anyway.." Ranboo smiled softly. "Alright! See ya later!" Tommy then ran off, then Ranboo instantly ran to find Aimsey and Bill.

"GUYS." Ranboo screamed, sliding next to the trio. Also known as Guqqie, Aimsey, and Bill. "Hey Ran! What happened?" Guqqie asked. "I GOT A DATE WITH TOMMY!!" Ranboo screamed, jumping excitedly. "OH MY GOD!" Aimsey and Bill screamed, actually excited for their friend who hasn't had any luck for dating someone that isn't misogynistic, racist, or narrasistic. "Great job!" Guqqie said, smiling. "Oh my god! Can we all meet at your house to help you dress up and get ready?!" Aimsey asked.

"YES! OF COURSE!!" Everyone then started jumping excitedly.


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