Chapter 3 playing house.

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(y/n) = your name

(y/f/b) = your favourite book

(y/s/n) = your siblings name

(y/f/f) = your favourite food

You reached up to the ivory wall phone in your kitchen. You were one of the richer families the seam, so you were lucky enough to have a phone. you had been contemplating how to get hold of Peeta for a while now, and you decided that the best way was to call for a bread delivery right before his shift at the bakery ended.

 "Mellark family bakery, what  do you need?" his voice became crackly through the phone lines. "I need some bread obviously." you could practically hear his smile through the receiver. "what type will that be?" "ill have a plain loaf with a side of Peeta." he laughed but stifled it quickly as you heard his mother question him "this is the last delivery in my shift, so I will be there soon" he hung up. 

you got (y/f/b) and sat on the sofa so you could look like you were doing something when he arrived. soon you heard a sharp knock on the door so you sprang up to open it.

"a delivery for..." he pretended to look at his paper "a very beautiful girl/boy/person. "i believe that would be me." you replied. he raised his eyebrows and you whispered "shut up" "i didnt say anything!" you grapped him by his shirt and closed the door behind you.

you two were having a great time making out on the sofa, when you heard a soft knock on the door. you gave peeta a quick kiss and then rose. your sister/brother/sibling was standing at the door. "hey (y/s/n) are you ok?" you whispered and they shook there head. 

Peeta quickly stood and wrapped his arm around your waste. you closed the door behind them and then you both ushered your sister/brother/sibling toward the sofa. 

"do you want to talk about it?" your (y/s/n) shook his/her/their head. Peeta pulled you to the side. "(y/n) i really don't think there ok." you agreed. "i think i'm just going to make them dinner and then put them to bed before mum and dad get home." he nodded and made his way over to (y/s/n). 

Peeta: what do you want to eat?

(y/s/n): i don't know

Peeta: there must be something.

(y/s/n): (y/f/f)? (y/n) likes that too

(y/n): yes, that is my favourite. 

Peeta: then ill make (y/f/f). 

he ran of to the kitchen and started cooking whilst you comforted (y/s/n). soon after (or long after, it depends how long (y/f/f) takes to cook) (y/s/n) was eating infront of their favourite tv show. once they had finished they fell asleep so peeta carried them into their bed. he then came and sat next to you on the sofa and you watched tv together until your parents came home.

* * *

Authors note:

 i managed to do this chapter pretty quick cuz its the holidays, but when i go back to school its gonna take a little longer ( just so u know).

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