Chapter 14 lost and alone

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your tube slowly rose in to the arena and the surroundings became slowly visible.

you looked around you.

their was everything. everything you had ever seen in one place. an abandoned city and a huge field of a tall grass and a dessert and an glacier range and dense woodland(Polysyndetic listing, my english teacher would be proud)

there were so many. so many kids. there were at least 7 that looked like they were 10. too many. your eyes flitted over every face, your eyes met peeta's. he smiled gently and nodded at you. his mouthed moved and you could just make out the word forever fall of his lips.

the canon went off. the games had begun. you scooped up a backpack by your feet and dashed to the left, into the field.

you darted in between large rocks and eventually came to a circle without any grasses. there was a strange formation of rocks. a large flat rock in the middle (kinda like a Japanese dining table if u know what i mean)  and smaller rocks each and equal distance from the centre rock(about 2 meters) you set your pack down and lay the contents out upon the centre rock.

a loaf of bread. a water bottle. a phone shaped rock about as thick a a pound coin. fever medication. a first aid kit. and a brown paper bag.

 you opened it.

you gasped and quickly managed to stifle it. you'd seen these before. it was a powder compact. your nana had had one once long ago. it had roses embellished on it and whenever she was scared she would hold it so hard that you could see it pressed into her hand even once  she let go. and she was scared a lot near the end. she would shout and scream about guns and a tree and a man. not a good man. she was mad everyone would say. but you loved her, you knew she wasn't lying. even your own mum abandoned her, and she was her kid. so you swore that you would always be there for any kids you had ,love them unconditionally, and hope that they would love you back


it was full of a white powder. it smelt deadly. you brought it to you nose but quickly closed it, and put it back down, with such precision anyone would thing it was a bomb.

the canon went of.
















if it had been a normal year, that would have been half of the tributes eliminated.

how many of those 12 had been younger than you? was one of them peeta? you had agreed with him before the games started that he would gather and you would hide to the left so he would know where to find you.

a announcement filled the arena

"hello tributes!" a voice filled the arena "all of you had a back pack by you at your places at the cornucopia. if you failed to take it, your time in the arena ends now."




"within your packs, you will find the bare essentials and a few mystery items"

you thought of the rock and the compact

"within your pack you should find a brown paper bag! this idea was supplied by our own karyelmarkus snow! president snows grand son! how clever is he! within this bag is a weapon that.. well... how did you put it?"

a new voice appeared

"a weapon that fits your vibe, you get me, like, ummm, idk, a spoon if ur useless lol"

the original voice returns

"... ok. every kill you make with your specialty weapon will remove a amount of uses left!for example is karyelmarkus stabs me with his specialty weapon,"

"happy to help bro"

"... then he would be able to stab 2 more people before his weapon broke"

"mate u forgot bout the powders and stuff  lol"

"if you have a powder, it will disintegrate after 3 uses"

the announcement ended. so you had poison. inside a powder compact? that was random

a/n: thanks for reading!

also to @Ranna4569for adding to their library: ty bestie

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