Chapter 19 ending

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you and Peeta sat in the tree and tried to make the day go quickly.



the shrill sound of an announcement filled the arena and your ears felt as if they would burst.

" Hello tributes! the last to tributes to be eliminated were in different districts, so there are only 3 possible pairs remaining! those of you with no partner, your time in the games ends now."



"may the odds be ever in your favour!"

"lets be realistic here" peeta said

"you always are," you replied

"they aren't going to just kill themselves off-



"those are probably from the same district" you whispered, your ears straining to hear any more

"i don't know why you would bother to kill both of-"

"Hello tributes!" the announcement rang out 

"another announcement? already?" Peeta whispered

"two deaths have taken place! leaving 2 eliminated!"

"two?" peeta and you echoed simultaneously

"those of you without a partner, your time in the games is over"



"but that means...." you questioned

"I would like to present this years victors of the seventy fifth Hunger Games! (y/n)(y/l/n) And Peeta Mellark From district 12!"

You both gasped and clasped each other tightly, you rocked slowly back and forth as Peeta's whispers of "we won, were going home" soothed you. you stepped onto the hover craft and were carried out of the arena

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