i've got you || bella ramsey

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requested by @nonbinosur thank you for requesting!
tw: mention of body shaming, panic attacks
also you play a main role in a new horror movie with bella ramsey

y/n's pov

the bright computer screen shines on my face as bella sat in the same room on the bed we shared looking at their phone. my eyes slightly squinted at the article in front of me. the front of the website read in bold words "fans criticize the way y/n y/l/n looked and did in their new horror movie" i felt that i couldn't breathe, not involuntary, but i felt like if i didn't hold my breath i would blow away.

the deeper i got into the article, the worse i felt. the more screenshots that were shown in of mean comments, zoomed in pictures of my body, i could feel a pit in my stomach felt like it would burst out of me. my breath quickened slightly as i skimmed over the words in the screen. i knew how this would end, I've been acting since i was like 10. i would read every. little. thing. people said about me, just to make myself feel bad. i thought it was good for me, but it obviously was not.

knowing that i would end up in a panic attack if i kept reading, i stepped away from the screen and ran to the bathroom. bella noticed my exit and called out my name, but i didn't want them to see me panic.

bella's pov:

y/n ran to out of the room while i called after her  because i had no clue what happened, but she just left the room.  i heard heavy breathing and light cries coming from the bathroom.

"hey babe are you okay?" i asked with concern. i saw what they were looking at before they left the room and i put the puzzle pieces together.

"please open the door i just want to help you" i said calming. trying not to set them off

y/n's pov

bella asked me to open the door, i really didn't want them to see me crying like this, but i also knew that if they didn't help me i would just spiral. so i walked up to the door and opened it up to see them looking at me with pure concern on their face. they immediately saw me crying and their face softened as they slowly took me into their arms.

"shh it's okay baby. don't worry i got you."

they held me like that for a few second before sitting down with me, rubbing small circles in my back and reminding me to breathe while i cried. they held me close to them for a little until i was able to talk. when they realized my breathing was somewhat normal again, they looked down at me with a sad look on their face.

"what happened baby? what it the article?" they asked me. i hummed on response to their question as they looked down at me understanding what i meant. then they got up and put one hand on my back and the other holding my hand and helped me get up. they walked me to the bedroom and laid me down on the bed.

"I'm going to get water for you okay?"
i nodded as i lifted up blanket and went under it. they left for about 3 minutes and came back with a cup of water that they put right next to me. they laid down next to me and put their arms around me as i put my head on their chest. their hand slowly rubbed circles on my back and their other hand was intertwined with mine. until they let go of my hand to use their index finger to lift my head up to look at them.

"i love you y/n. don't forget that okay?" they said to me

"I love you too. so much." i mumbled against their shirt. they continues holding mine and they held me tighter. we both grew tired, slowly slipping into sleep. as i feel asleep, the only thing i could think about is how i have no idea what i would do without bella.

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