starlight || bella ramsey

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this wasn't requested i just had an idea lmao. anyways y/n is a famous singer and she's on tour in the us )or wherever you want it to be) for her new album. also, she was recently in the short film "all to well" made by taylor swift. ( basically she is the role that sadie sink has) and most of this story will be in bella's pov. also this whole chapter has taylor swift references cuz i love her with my whole heart.

bella's pov:

today was the second show in y/n's nation tour and i was sitting in a chair next to her while she got ready. i was looking in instagram just scrolling while y/n talked to her makeup artist about whatever she saw in tiktok earlier that day

" i'm just so nervous like what if i mess up or do the wrong choreography or something?" y/n rambled.

"you'll do amazing. the last show was so fun and you did wonderful." i said reassuring them. i loved their last show it was great. they also looked gorgeous, like most of the time i couldn't believe it because they looked so breathtaking.

some stage person came in the room and told y/n she had about an hour until she came to stage so we had a little bit of time.

*50 minute time skip cuz i'm lazy 🥱)

y/n's pov:

i had 10 minutes until i went on stage and i felt the adrenaline rushing through my blood while i looked through the side of the stage and saw everyone. there was hundreds of people maybe thousands. i felt my hand shake and i couldn't explain the feeling i felt. sure i was scared and nervous, but felt like i was on top of the world. i felt to ecstatic.

i felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist as i spun around to see bella standing in front of me as my nerves eased seeing their face.

" i'm literally shaking look." i held out my hand to show them my trembling state. they held onto my hand and kissed it then hugged me.

"your going to do great okay? god you look gorgeous." they said as a light shade of pink scattered my face from their words.

"i'll be out there watching you. you'll be amazing. i love you." they said as they let me go and walked towards the exit sign still looking at me.

"I love you too see you in a bit." i said while waving at them as i walked towards the stage.

bella's pov:

i walked away from backstage and went to the side of the actual stage, closer to the front so i could see y/n. i always wanted to be out in the crowd watching y/n preform. mostly because it helped her calm down, but also because she just looks so pretty on stage. i loved watching her. the lights of the stage turned on as the music started playing for y/n's entry. she came on stage looking stunning as usual. she started singing and preforming the songs she released about 6 months ago. she told me most of them were about me, and i believed it by what the lyrics were.

i never thought i would be here, i'm not much of a concert person, but here i am, in the front row of a huge crowd, watching my girlfriend on preform on the stage looking absolutely angelic.

after the fourth song, she was handed a guitar and she started strumming soft notes.

"so if you guys don't know, i have a certain person is the crowd that most of these songs are about. but there is this one song, that isn't mine but me and them loved this song. the original artist of this song recently made a short film that i'm in called 'All to Well' and, is here with us tonight, so everyone make some noise for miss taylor swift." y/n said while everyone cheered loudly for taylor being at the concert. i wondered what song she would play, but i had an idea of what she would sing.

"anyway, so this is a song, that for me will always be about them." she said while looking at me. i could feel blush appear in my face and y/n started playing 'starlight' by taylor swift. i could feel my smile grow as i heard the sweet notes she played in the guitar while singing the lyrics to the song.

I said, "Oh my, what a marvelous tune"
It was the best night, never would forget how we moved
The whole place
Was dressed to the nines
And we were dancing, dancing
Like we're made of starlight
Like we're made of starlight

she sang the words to a song that i knew all to well (😘). this was a song we danced to in the kitchen, the only lighting the room was the refrigerator light (i'm on a roll here y'all)

Like we're made of starlight, starlight
Like we dream impossible dreams
Like starlight, starlight
Like we dream impossible dreams
Don't you see the starlight, starlight
Don't you dream impossible things

the song ended as the crowds and stands went wild, but the only thing she could do as on was me. she looked at me with a face of pure love and light. after looking at me for about 20 seconds she turned to the crowd and smiled.

the concert went on, with y/n singing a songs from her album, and a few others. the show was probably my favorite concert i've been to ever, mostly because my girlfriend was on the stage, and also because is was just such a nice show.

that night will always be a night i will remember, the whole night felt like we were made of starlight.

i hope y'all liked that, it was so fun writing. it was also my longest one, so if y'all want more longer chapters tell me. much much love- leo 💞

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