im so sorry|| bella ramsey

680 16 4

making a comeback cutie pies 💋
also my school just ended so expect more updates and PLEASE PLEASE REQUEST 💞💞

Y/n's pov:

i felt my eyelids weigh down on my eyes as my bright laptop screen lit up the dark room. i was watching mean girls, just to keep my mind off of the fact that Bella was still not home. They usually never do this, so i felt worry flush over me every time my mind wandered off of the movie. i shifted my eyes to the small numbers on on the corner of my screen showing the time. 12:53. they said they would be home at 10. it was almost 1 in the morning, and of course i knew work can go later, they've had to stay on set for a little longer than planed before, but they always text me before then. i felt a buzz on my phone and looked at the bright screen again. the notification was just from instagram.

i sighed and put my phone back down, but my mind started spiraling. why didn't bella text me, were they okay? what if their phone died? what if they were with someone else? what if they were in trouble, and hadn't come home safely? i felt my anxiety start running through my body, i felt as if my stomach was doing cartwheels. i opened my messages and sent bella a text asking if they were okay. 2 minutes later, no response. i sent another one. no response. i looked back at the movie and waited about 10 minutes. i looked back at my phone, nothing. my nose stung with tears pricking my eyes. i tried to look back at the movie, but the tears finally left my eyes, and i didn't stop them. i buried my head back in my pillow and cried. i cried, and cried, and i eventually fell asleep.

bella's pov:

i sighed as my i went towards my phone and picked it up. i have been filming for hours now, not being able to check the time or my phone. a rush of panic swept over my body as i saw text messages from y/n, and the time, 1:46shit, earlier today i told y/n i would be home by 10. i opened the messages from her, and it was her asking me if i was okay. i felt awful, she was probably asleep now. i quickly grabbed my keys and left out to my car.

y/n's pov:

i woke up from the sleep that had consumed me about 2 hours ago. i heard to front door open, assuming it was bella. i felt relieved, but also remembered the tears that were shed, and the felling of worries that i felt when they left me alone, no communication, for 3 hours. i felt less relieved now, and more upset. i could hear and feel the footsteps making their way to the bedroom door. i shut my eyes again to try to go back to sleep, or back bella think i was. i heard the creak of the door opening, and i could see the dim hallway light up the door. i heard their footsteps walk over to my side of the bed, and they let out a sigh, seeing my tear stained face.

"oh baby.." they muttered before tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. a few seconds later, i felt a dip in the bed right next to me, and a pair of arms wrap around my waist. i felt bella's thumb rub back and forth on my hips, in a soothing manner. this made me a little less update at the fact that it was 4 and a half hours after they said they would be home. bella reached their head down towards mine, and placed a kiss on my head, then moved back. i heard them inhale. then they started to whisper.

"y/n, are you awake?" they asked. i gave no answer.

"y/n i know your awake your eyelids are moving." they asked again. i sighed, still remaining silent.

"baby i'm so sorry, i lost track of time, and i know that's not a good excuse, but i didn't mean not to answer you. i know you get worried easily, and i never told you that i would be coming home a little late, but i didn't have a choice we were filming with barely any breaks in between, and i could get to my phone is time and-" they rambled.

"bella, you did have a choice. i know you were filming and all, but you weren't just a little late, you came home 4 hours after you said you would, so obviously you knew. and it takes about 2 minutes to text me to tell me you'll be late." i said back, breaking the silence i have kept for a while.

"i know, i should have texted you, i am truly so sorry love. i promise, i will make it up to you. i love you so much y/n." bella whispered back to me, i felt a smile grow on my face, so i turned around to face them. their hair was let down, a few strands out of place. my eyes glossed over their delicate features, taking in their beauty. even when they were exhausted, they still looked gorgeous.

"y'know it's really hard to be mad at you when your so cute." i said while looking up at them.

"yeah i know." they muttered under their breath while smiling back at me. they brought a hand up to my face and held the side of it. they leaned down to kiss me, and as i kissed them back i felt all the worries and sadness and anxiety melt away, into the warmth of their soft pink lips.

"again, i'm so sorry y/n. i'll make it up to you i promise." they say after pulling away.

"maybe you could make it up to me now?" i said, almost being able to hear the smirk i had on my face.

"hmm.." they hummed back while leaning back in to kiss me once again.

that lowkey took me forever. consider this an apology for being gone for almost a month.
LOVE YALL SM-leo ❤️❤️

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