his loss pt1 || bella ramsey

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this will probably be hella long but idk i feel like writing some sad shit

CW: cheating, swearing,

y/n's pov:

i stumble up the stairs to my front porch, to early October darkness sinking into the sky, causing my vision to okay tricks on me. i was coming home from being out with my friend bella. bella has always been an amazing friend to me, i would go as far to refer to them as my best friend. i never had an awkward stage with them, there was never a dull moment in our friendship. they have always supported me and the decisions i made, however they have never been very fond of any of my boyfriends. my current boyfriend Aaron they particularly didn't like. i could see why most of the time, he was kind of an alcoholic, he made jokes about cheating on me all the time, and he always hid things from me. but i always put those things aside because i really did like him.

i reached for my tote bag and fished around for my keys. i took them out and unlocked the door to my house. my boyfriend was home, even though i thought he would leave without telling me, like he always does. i entered my house and made my way up to my bedroom i share with Aaron, but something felt off. the air felt thick, and my heart was beating faster. i couldn't think of why, but i felt that i was going to find out soon enough.

the heat wasn't on, and the fan and ac was going for some reason, i don't know why because it was October and 40 degrees outside. my spine shivered as the cold breeze hit my back as i made it to the top of the staircase. my heart sunk as i heard noises coming from our bedroom, that sounded like my boyfriend and another girl. my hands shook as i hesitated to turn the doorknob. the slowly opened the door and saw was the noises were coming from. i saw Aaron with my friend Cassidy. they were in bed together with Aaron taking off her shirt, while his shirt was already off.

"Aaron are you fucking kidding me? in OUR bed with MY friend, i actually thought i could trust your lying ass but i guess i was wrong!" i yelled at him, tears stinging my eyes

"oh come on y/n, it's not like you haven't been cheating with your little friend bella" Cassidy spat at me. my rage at my boyfriend boiled over the top as she tried to get to me.

"Cassidy you better take your skank ass out of my fucking house right now." i said clearly while pressing my index and thumb to the bridge of my nose. i didn't hear her leaving, so i yelled again.

"Cassidy fucking LEAVE." i screamed at her. her facial expression changed from upset go scared after she flinched from my yelling. finally, she got her shit together and left my house. i heard my bedroom door slam behind me as Cassidy walked out. After i heard her footsteps going down the stairs, my words of anger erupted out of me again.

"I'm sorry, did i say you could stay?" i said to Aaron as he sat down in his chair at the desk across from our bed. his face went confused as he stood back up and walked towards me.

"Y'know maybe Cass was right, what if you are cheating on me with bella or whatever their name is. your spending an awful amount of time with 'em huh?" he said in a taunting way while towering over me.

"Cass? your giving her a nickname now? and don't even DARE to bring up bella, they have been the only one supporting me through your bullshit." i said while glaring at him.

"what bullshit?" he scoffed giving me the same look a gave him.

"YOU AARON. your the bullshit! your basically a functioning alcoholic, barely even functioning for that matter. also every time you screamed at me for hanging out with my friends while you were probably at home doing god knows what with some little slut!" i screamed in his face, all the pent up anger he caused me for the last 6 months finally coming out of me. i have never yelled at him this way, but who cares, it's not like i'm going to stay with him.

"You know what? maybe i was right to cheat on you and your crazy ass conclusions. i'm leaving." he said before getting his stuff and leaving.

"yeah, whatever get out of my house." i said while sliding down the wall, finally letting the sobs get to me.

"go flirt with your little girlfriend bella, you slut." he hissed at me while opening the door.

"god, just GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE!" i screamed through tears as he walked out. right now i wasn't even yelling at him necessarily, i just needed to get my anger out, but i didn't help. i need someone, i needed bella.

that was rlly long lmao but part two is coming soon!!
love you all-leo 💋

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