mornings || Bella Ramsey

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bella's pov:

it was currently 11:50 am and i was laying next to y/n, waiting for them to wake up. We moved in together a few months ago, and recently i have noticed that she sleeps in late. very late. i definitely do not have a problem with it, i absolutely love waiting for them to wake while admiring how peaceful they looks sleeping. So now here i am, with y/n's head on my chest and their legs over mine, as i'm on my phone looking at how beautiful my girlfriend is.

I felt them move around, thinking they were still sleeping and just moving in their sleep. i softly kissed their head, still admiring the sunlight peaking through the curtains in our shared bedroom, reflecting on their face, making them look angelic. i zoned out looking at them until their sudden movement broke the trance i was in while looking at them.

your pov

my eyelids flutters open as i stirred around in bella's arms. i felt so safe, but not the type of safe you would feel when someone protected you from danger, the type where i felt like me and him were the only people in the world, and nothing else mattered as long as i was in their arms.

i looked at the curtains i was facing before looking up at bella admiring me. i could feel my face heat up with blush as they smiled at me. we stayed there for a bit, in silence, just feeling each others presence. after a while bella finally said something.
"how was your sleep?" they softly spoke. i hummed in response as i rolled over on to my back next to them.

they moved their body so they were facing me on their side. they got up and sat on the edge of the bed, about to get up and leave but i held onto their waist, not wanting them to leave. they chuckled in response as they turned to look at me.
"it's already 12:30 darling you have to get out of bed" they said while they softly stroked my hair. i pulled them back down to me and cuddled into their side.
"10 more minutes" i mumbled into their neck. i heard them giggle and they relaxed back into bed.

bella's pov:

i held onto y/ns waist and moved one of my hands to hold hers. now, here we are, in the same position we were in an hour ago, with her sleeping and me admiring her soft facial expressions as we cuddled in close together.

y/n said 10 more minutes, but it's been 30 and honestly i'm not mad about it.

this was short as hell sorry y'all -leo💞

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