jealous || bella ramsey

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i have been wanting to do this for ever now but i never had ideas for it 😭

y/ns pov:

my eyes scanned my closet, wondering what to wear for tonight. me and bella were going out to dinner with some of our friends and i had to pick what to wear. i continued looking through the few ideas i had, and i settled on a little black dress, with off the shoulder long sleeves. i heard my doorbell ring and i remembered bella was picking me up. i quickly grabbed my shoes, keys, and my purse and opened the door to see bella standing there.

"well don't you look gorgeous." they said smiling at me while looking me up and down.

"you look pretty good yourself." i said while smiling back at them, taking their hand and walking down the steps to my house. we got to their car and they opened the door for me to step in. they walked over to the drivers seat and started up the car and left my driveway.

—time skip—

we got the to small fancy restaurant where we meet up with some of our friends. my friend Anjela brought a friend of hers that we haven't met before, so i went over to him to introduce myself, and bella tagged along. which isn't unusual, me and them and pretty much are inseparable, and bella isn't very social anyway.

"Hi i'm y/n! i don't think we've met before, your Anjela's friend right?" i said to him introducing myself.

"Oh hey. yeah i'm Kyle, Anjela brought me here, usually i don't go for the fancy restaurants but i'm glad i came to meet you." he said, lightly smirking. i felt a feeling in my chest, telling me that he didn't seem like he was just trying to be friendly. i could tell bella had that feeling too, their eyes narrowed and eyebrows  furrowed.

bella's pov.

i could feel my blood boiling at the sight of some arrogant asshole trying to flirt with y/n. i tried to calm down, maybe he was just a little bit too friendly, or maybe he was trying to be nice. but i've been around actually nice people, i mean in dating one, and this guys was not being nice. he was into her.

We walked into the restaurant and sat down at our table. conversation started going, and i found out that this guy was a family friend of Anjela. Anjela was y/n's friend from high school or something, i forget. but they knew each other for a while. we've never met this Kyle dude before and he was already getting in my nerves. not just because he was trying to flirt with y/n, but he honestly was just a dick. he kept telling everyone about the  business he works for, or about whatever he could think of to make him seem cooler. i could tell he was trying to impress y/n, the way he looked at her after every joke he made, everything he said trying to act cool or whatever. it was annoying. he was so annoying.

"so y/n, are you from around here? didn't know the girls here were so pretty." he said winking at her. got i wanted to punch him right in his jaw so hard he passed out on the spot. but here i am sitting on the opposite side of the table from him, just trying to hang out with my friends. god this sucked.

Y/n's pov:

i rolled my shoulders back, shifting uncomfortably in my seat. This guy seriously will not leave me alone. i smiled at the comment he made, only to drop it immediately after he looked away. i turned my vision to bella, trying to convey a message with my eyes, but they seemed to be spacing out. their eyes were dark, then i notice they were glaring at Kyle. if looks could kill, Kyle would be dead on the floor.

Time went on, and we finished eating and now we were just waiting for the check so we could go. To be completely honest, i wanted to leave as soon as i could so i could go home, and be with bella. we lived in separate places, but we pretty much spent 80% of the time in each others houses. like i said, we were pretty much inseparable.

We got the check, payed and soon enough we we're heading out. i turned back to bella and they noticed me looking at them. they smiling softly, i could still tell they were annoyed at Kyle. but their face softened when they turned to me. i grabbed my purse and my phone that was placed on the right side of me. i got up and straightened my dress out, and when i looked up i saw Kyle staring at me. he winked and turned away, i grimaced at the sight. i looked back over to bella, and they look like they were about to punch him. we left the restaurant and while everyone was walking out, Kyle walked towards me.

"Hey, y/n, i had a great time tonight. could i possible get your number?" he said smirking at me. i opened my mouth to say something, but the words left my throat. i could feel bella's arms snake around my waist and pull me closer effortlessly.

"She's taken asshole. try someone else." bella said before i could say something.

"By who, you? C'mon y/n really?" Kyle said scoffing. i knew bella was about to their shit, so i shut Kyle down immediately.

"yeah, them. it was nice meeting you, bye." i said in a sort of rude tone with a scowl on my face. i turned away, dragging bella with me.

"what a bitch." Kyle muttered under his breath. i heard, and chose to ignore it. bella also heard, but chose to do the opposite.

"hold out your hand." they said, taking off their rings and putting them in my hand before walking back over to Kyle.

"what the fuck did you just call her?" they said harshly. Kyle turned back around and his eyes furrowed his eyebrows and tilting his head.

"i said your little girlfriend here is a- " he began to restate, right before being cut off by bella punching him. everyone gasped, but i heard a few people chuckle, everyone getting sick of Kyle. i turned bella around by their shoulders and grabbed their hand and dragged them away.

"what the hell was that? we're you really that mad?" i asked while walking to our car with bella.

"maybe if he didn't say anything and left you the fuck alone that wouldn't have happened. and yes, i was really that mad." they said with s blank expression on their face, calming down a little.

"whatever, i guess he was kind of a dick anyway." i said when we got to bella's car. they unlocked it and hopping in the car and started it. i got in the other side.

a few minutes passed with me and bella sitting in comfortable silence, when something came to my mind.

"so, were you jealous, or just didn't like him?" i said, a light grin on my face before turning to bella. they smiling a bit, then spoke up.

"I just didn't like him. and maybe i was a little bit jealous but whatever." they said pulling into my driveway.

"yeah sure. just a little bit." i said smirking at them.

"maybe a little more then a little bit." they said, returning the expression on my face and getting out of the car.

they were definitely jealous.

that was way longer that i expected im sorry 😭 anyway that was rlly fun writing
much love - leo 💞

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