his loss pt 2 || bella ramsey

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i'm so sorry i took forever to make this 😭

bella's pov:

i sighed while sitting in a chair in my room next toy desk while mindlessly scrolling through instagram. it was around 10 and i got back from hanging out with y/n about 45 minutes ago and honestly i was really bored. that was until my phone rang and y/n's name was on my screen. i answered the call and said hello.

"bella can you come over?" she asked with a soft voice. she sounded like she had been crying and i immediately felt awful.

"yeah of course what happened? are you okay?" i asked while getting my stuff together and heading out today my house

"no. it's Aaron he.. i'll tell you when you get here." she began to say before her voice cracked. i could feel my blood boiling at the name she said. i really hated her boyfriend, he was such a jackass. maybe i didn't like him because he was a bad person, or maybe because i might like y/n.

"okay i'll be there soon." i said and she hung up. i got all my stuff, my keys, and headed out the door.

y/n's pov

i hung up the phone and set on back down on my bed. i stood up to go sit on my bed, so i slid back up the wall and stood up before immediately getting light headed. probably because of the crying, or the stress, or the yelling, i'm not sure. either way, i knew ever thing would be better as soon as bella got here. i went and later my head on my silk pillowcase, my tear stained cheeks pressing against the fabric.

my head spun around the room while thinking about the words said to me earlier. i thought about the fact that Cassidy said that i was "cheating" on him with bella. i always knew Aaron didn't like them, he thought that we were too close. but maybe, now that i think of it, what if he and bella were too close. i remember one time Aaron was yelling at me after i hung out with bella because we hugged when they dropped me off, and he thought they liked me. he was insane, he was always so possessive of me, but maybe he saw something i didn't. what if he was right about bella liking me.

honestly i hope he was right.

i was deep in my thoughts when i heard my doorbell ring twice. i knew it was bella, they always ring twice. i slowly got up and walked downstairs to open the door. i twisted the doorknob and opened it to see bella standing in my door. i immediately threw myself into their arms, desperate for any type of comfort from them. they hugged me back and said hello to me as i told them to come in

"what happened? are you okay, what did he do?" they said in a concerned tone while putting their hand on my shoulder i sighed and tried my best to not cry.

"he.. he cheated on me with Cassidy." i said with my voice breaking and tears slipping from eyes while i tried to look anywhere but at bella, but i couldn't help but look back up at them.

"oh my god y/n i'm so sorry." they said while taking me in their arms. i felt a sense of security with their arms wrapped around my trembling frame. a sense of safety, that i never felt with Aaron.

"i knew he was no good, he never deserved you. your too good for him y/n" they said after lifting my chin up to wipe my tears. i smiling sadly and thought about telling bella about what he and Cassidy said.

"he said that- that i was a slut and that i was probably cheating on him with you. they both thought that, i felt so defenseless." i said while sniffing looking back up at bella. i hoped they would say he was crazy, and we were clearly just friends, but another part of me hoped they would say that they wished we were more than that.

"he said that to you? god he's such a prick. its his loss anyway" they said softly, running their hands through my hair. we stayed like that for a while, just laying in each others embrace until i said something to break the silence.

"bella can you stay the night? i don't want to be alone." i said with pleading eyes.

"of course i can, i was hoping you'd ask me." they said weakly smiling. we walked up to my room after getting me water, so i didn't get dehydrated.

i laid down on my bed and brought the blankets over my shoulders. i felt i dip in the bed and i felt bella's hand rap my shoulder. i turned around to face bella and they tucked the pieces of hair framing my face behind my ear.

"y/n?" they asked softly

"yeah?" i replied while taking their ha d in mine and playing with the silver rigs on their fingers.

"when Aaron thought i liked you, did you ever think i did?" they said while looking a little below my face.

"uh, i don't know actually. i all i could think about at the time is thinking he was insane. i never thought you could like me honestly." i said while chuckling softly, i still had a tinge of pain in my voice, hoping what i was saying wasn't true. it was silent for a while, i could tell bella was thinking of something to say, or how to say it.

"can i tell you something?" they said finally shifting their brown eyes up to mine.

"yeah of course." i said with a little faith in my voice, hoping desperately that they would say what i thought they would say.

"y/n, i knew you just broke up with someone, but i have been waiting to tell you this for a while. i really like you. a lot. i never thought i would tell you but now that you aren't with Aaron anymore, i just wanted you know. if you don't like me back, it's completely fine, just te-" they started to ramble before i cut them off with a kiss. they didn't kiss back so i pulled back hesitatingly. they looked back at me smiling, before holding the sides of my face and pulling me back to their face pressing their soft lips against mine once again. i melting into their touch and the kiss, holding one of my hands to the side of their neck, and the other hand against their face. their hands lowered down to my hips, pulling me closer to them.

i pulled away from them slowly, not wanted to leave their lips, but i wanted to say something to them.

"bella i like you too. a lot." i said smiling, repeating their words they said to me a few moments ago. they smiling at me and hugged me, my he was resting in the crook of their neck. they kissed sky head softly, a thing they did often. we stayed like that, hugging each other, me pressing soft kisses to their neck every few minutes. we fell asleep like that, me in their embrace, them softly whispering sweet nothing to me while stroking my hair gently. bella was definitely right about me being his loss. however, i also gained something that day. a true lover. my bella.

this took long as hell because o got acrylic nails and typing is hairs as shit lmao anyways no way i'm reading this over again, so if theirs a spelling mistakes tell me
love y'all so so much,- leo 💋

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