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Trigger Warning: Mentions of cyber-bullying, self-harm, cutting, blood.

Castiel has been facing bullying because of being gay. He's never told anyone, not even his parents. He took matters into his own hands and started cutting. He never used a blade. He only used a sharpened pencil. There was a chance he could get led poisoning but he didn't care. He always wore a jacket (same one) every day to hide the cuts (more like scratches). He never thought anyone could help him. But then he met Dean.


Cas was in class, writing notes when a new kid walked in and stood by him.

"Is this seat taken?" He asked pointing to the desk next to Cas.

Cas shook his head.

"Thanks. Dean" He held out his hand, looking into this boys eyes. 'Such a beautiful blue. Almost too blue.' He thought.

Cas took it. Staring into his eyes. 'Beautiful green eyes.' Cas thought.
"Castiel, everyone calls me Cas."


At lunch, Cas usually sits alone at the far end of the cafeteria, but today he as Dean to sit with.

"Wanna come over to my house after school? No one is gonna be there except my brother Gabe." Said Cas.


Balthazar walked by and stopped by their table.

"Aww. You find a little boyfriend there Cassie?"

"Shut up Balthazar."

"Oh, but why? It's so fun messing with you."

"Go away."

"Sup, new kid. You his boyfriend?"

The bell rang and Dean grabbed Cas away from there.

"Cas, don't ever let anyone tell you its bad to be gay," Dean told Cas.

"OK. My guess is you're gay too?"


"Can I show you something?"

"Of course Cas."

Cas pulled up his jacket sleeve and Dean saw the scars.

"Cas, why?"

"I promise I never used a blade. I always used a sharpened-- really sharpened-- pencil."

"Alright, Cas. Don't ever use a blade, and please try to stop."

"I'll try."

After school Cas met Dean outside the front door.

"Hey, Cas." Said Dean when he walked out.

"Hey. Wanna just walk? It's only a few blocks away."

"Yeah. Let's go."

They walked back to Cas' house. When they got there they were greeted by Gabe.

"Hey, Cas! Who's this?"

"Hey, Gabe. This is Dean. He's a new kid."

"Hey," Dean said.

"Happy you found each other. Cas has some bullying issues that I'm sure you can help with." Said Gabe.

"I think I can. During lunch, I met one of them. Balthazar."

"Yeah. He's the worst one."

Cas just stood there. 'Gabe's talking to him like he's my dad.' Cas thought.

"Gabe, we're going to the basement to play video games," Cas said wanting to get away from there.



"I should probably go home. It's been..." Dean looked at his watch. "Five hours."

"Alright. By Dean."

"Bye. See you at school." Dean said.

But that's where he went wrong. After Dean left, Cas went on his computer to check his Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. But what he found wasn't good. He found multiple hate comments saying things like: "Faggot, why do you even show yourself", "Gay. You shouldn't even go to school", "You're a little piece of shit, you shouldn't even live, you should just die". And they got worse as he went along. He so badly wanted to actually cut and actually use a blade but he wanted to have a full week clean. But the more he read the more he couldn't hold it back He grabbed a knife, walked upstairs to the bathroom, and slit his wrists.

The first time he'd used a blade. He had his phone and called Dean.


"Dean, I-I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what? What happened?"

"Just know t-that I didn't want this t-to happen. It just happened. And I'm so sorry."

Cas cut once more. He went too deep. He fell to the floor, blood flowing down his arm and staining his clothes. He quickly passed out from blood loss.

"Cas, what are you talking about? Whatever it is, we can work it out."

When Dean didn't get a response from the other line, he got worried.

"Cas? Are you still there? Cas? Cas, baby. Are you alright? Cas?? CAS?!"

Dean ran out his front door and rode his bike to Cas' house the moment Cas didn't respond. He didn't know what he had done, but knowing his history of self-harm, Dean had an idea. He was back at Cas' house in ten minutes. He ran through the door and Gabe looked at him, worried.

"Dean, what happened? What's wrong?"

"It's Cas. I think he used a blade."

"Oh no, Cassie."

They ran to the bathroom together and thankfully the door wasn't locked. They opened the door and found Cas on the floor, surrounded by blood. Dean felt tears in his eyes.

"Oh, Cas. Why? Why did you do it?"

Dean knelt by Cas checking his pulse. Nothing. Dean cried next to Cas. Gabe standing in the doorway crying too.

"Funeral?" Gabe asked.

Dean only nodded. Crying too hard.

"Cas, I love you." He whispered.

He hugged him and helped Gabe plan the funeral. Very short and small. Just Gabe, Dean and the rest of Cas' family. Dean was the last to say words.

"Castiel was a good man. He may have only lived for 17 years, and I may have only known him for one day. But in that one day. I fell in love with him. And that one day was enough for me to realize that he was the one I was looking for all along. Cas, you will be in my heart forever."

And for some reason, Dean didn't cry when he said those words. Maybe it was because he knew Cas was with him as a spirit, maybe because he wanted to show Cas' family that you can get over it, maybe not fully, but you can.

Sorry for anyone with sensitivity to self-harm and stuff...

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