(Teen Sabriel) Love Notes

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A little change in the age difference. Sam is a junior and Dean is a senior

•|Third Person|•

Sam has been attending West High for half of junior year. Just about a month ago, he started getting anonymous love notes. He would open his locker and they would fall to the ground.

They would say something along the lines of: "Hey Boo, you look beautiful today. Smile, it makes you 100% more beautiful. Have a wonderful day! <3" or Sammy, you don't know who I am, but I find you irresistible. I hope that we see each other soon. For your eyes are the most beautiful. And you could win any girl, or guy, with that charming smile of yours. I know it's attracted me.

Sam would always smile down at it, completely unaware of the person watching him.


Gabe walked into school and noticed Sam was talking with a girl. It was Charlie, a girl in his history class. They always seemed to me hanging around each other...

Gabe thought this was the perfect time to quickly write a note and slip it into Sam's locker. He sat at a table a few feet away from Sam and got out a notebook and pencil.

Hey, your smile is worth a million bucks, never stop smiling. YOU are worth a million bucks, don't let people bring down your price. <3

Gabe tweaked it a bit and went to go put it in Sam's locker. He waited until the bell rang and watched Sam open his locker.


The bell rang and Sam went to his locker as normal to get his stuff and read the note his mystery someone always left him. Sam opened his locker and, as usual, a note came tumbling out. He caught it before it landed on the floor and read it. He smiled, whoever this person is, they knew how to make his day 1000% better.

Sam headed to class, the note in his pocket. He hoped that one day this person would show themselves. And maybe ask him to prom.

Prom was only a few weeks away. Most of Sams friends are already going with someone. Charlie has a girlfriend, Luci has a boyfriend, Adam has a boyfriend and even his brother had a boyfriend...huh, looks like all his friends are gay...But he is too so.


Prom is now only a few days away. Gabe is thinking about asking Sam but, Sam doesn't even know who he is. Gabe isn't gonna let that stop him. He writes a note and puts it in Sams locker.

'There is, however, a chance that Sam would meet me, think it's a joke, or maybe think it was gross. What are the chances that he's gay anyway?'


Sam opens his locker and the note falls out. He picks it up and reads it.

I bet you want to see me. Well, when the last bell of the day rings, meet me outside near parking complex A. My car is there and we can go over to my house. See ya soon! ;) <3

Sam is so excited. He finally gets to meet his mystery person. He goes to first period and wishes this day would go by faster.


The last bell of the day rings and Sam runs out of the classroom. He weaves his way through the crowd of people and makes it outside. He then "calmly" walks to the parking complex.

Sam must be early cause no one is at the complex yet. He leans against a car and goes on Instagram, looking through his feed. He feels a tap on his shoulder and looks up. He stares for a moment.

"Hi, I'm Gabe. Gabriel but I go by Gabe."
"You're Castiel's brother."
"How'd you know?"
"My brother is dating him."
"Dean? The football player?"
"Well, will you go to prom with me?" Gabe asks, holding out a rose.
Sam smiles. "Yes."

Gabe jumps and gives Sam a quick peck on the lips. Sam stands there, shocked.

"Come on!" Gabe says, pulling Sam to his car.
"I'm coming, I gotta text Dean. He'll be wondering where I'm at."

S: Hey Dean. Riding home with a friend. Be home later tonight.

D: Alright, see ya.


Sam and Gabe arrive at Gabe's house and they hop out.

"Wait a second...that's the Impala," Sam says, pointing over to it. "Dean's here"
"Is that bad?"

They walk in and Dean and Cas are on the couch, cuddling.

"Heeeyy, Dean," Sam says, playing it cool but obviously awkward.
"This is the friend your riding home with?"
"Why was that a question?"
"Why do you care?"
"Cause I'm looking out for you Sam. Gabe isn't exactly the best person."
"Hey, I'm a WONDERFUL person!" Gabe says, butting in.
"Dean, it's fine. I'm a junior in hig-" Sam was cut off.
"You're still my little brother."
"By a year!"

"Is everything okay in here?"
"Ya, Hannah, it's fine. Just a little brotherly fight." Cas says, reassuring her.

"Who's that?" Sam asks.
"Older sister Hannah." Gabe answers.

"Sam, just be careful, okay?"
"Ya, I know."

Sam and Gabe go upstairs to Gabe's room. Gabe sits on the bed and Sam sits on the desk chair.

"I told you it'd be bad," Sam says, looking at the stuff in Gabe's room.
"It wasn't too bad."
"To you."


Prom is on a Saturday. Sam and Gabe go together, not making it obvious that they're dating. The rest of the year goes by and Dean gets used to Sam being with Gabe. The four of them always hanging out and either the Winchester's or the Novak's after school. Sam and Gabe got more intimate and start doing more with each other. (Frick frack)

I know, not the best one-shot I've ever done but, hey, at least I got something up. It's also longer than I planned...I COULD NOT for the life of me figure out any cute, adorable, fluffy love note content. Sorry, this one kinda sucked. I hope you still enjoyed it!

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