(Destiel) Pieces

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Song: Pieces By: Bry

Don't play song until said in story

•|Third Person|•

Dean loves Castiel. More than anything in the world. He doesn't know what he do without him. He can't imagine life without him.

He always says that he's the happiest he's been since 6th grade. That Castiel had brought happiness into his life. That, without Cas, he would be the way he is now. His mother has even said that she noticed him smiling more often. And all Dean could think was, 'Because of him.'

But...Castiel has been fading away from him. They don't talk as much. They hardly ever hang out now, not that they really did anyway.

Dean keeps thinking, 'Did he never love me to begin with?', 'I wish we talked the way we used to', 'What happened?', 'Am I not good enough?' And many other thoughts along those lines.


Castiel broke up with Dean. Dean had thought that maybe there was a chance that Cas would come back to him. That maybe they could come together again and be the way they were before.

But he was wrong. Cas had told him that he just wasn't really ready for a relationship. That he had been hurt so many times by other people. That he wasn't emotionally ready.

Of course Dean believed him. He understood what Cas was going through. Dean just thought that maybe it wouldn't end this way. Maybe it wouldn't end at all. He thought they would be together till the end.

Well, they were. They were together till the end. The end of "Destiel".


Dean sits crying in the middle of his bed. Clutching the black hoodie that Castiel had given him. Castiel's scent long gone from the fibers of the hoodie.

It's been a week since the break up. Dean had asked if Cas wanted his hoodie back but he simply said that Dean could keep it. Dean was glad for that.

Dean, wearing Castiel's hoodie, walks over and turns on the radio that sits on his desk. He returns to the middle of the bed, still crying. He wonders how long he'll be like this. This crying mess.

A song comes on that makes Dean actually listen to the lyrics.

Play song

Dean sits there, taking in the lyrics of the song. He relates to this song. Especially now, after Cas.

He just cries more. Hugging his knees to his chest and resting his head in his arms, tear soaking the hoodie.

What will his life be like now? He knows he won't be as happy. He knows that school will be awkward now, more so than usual. Castiel rides his bus and he has to walk past him to get to his assigned seat with his friend, Charlie (seats were assigned before Dean and Cas started dating). And Cas is in his Science class and sits right in front of him.

Will Dean ever be as happy as he was? Will he ever find love again? Will he ever trust anyone with his heart? Will he ever be loved?

All these questions were going through his head. He wasn't sure what would happen to his mental state. But for now, he just has to get through school.

I know this isn't the best. It's based off a true story. I only wrote this because I was in school and I started thinking about my ex and almost cried...anyway, I ask for suggestions, still short on ideas. Peace out, Bitches

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