(Sabriel)Lips Of An Angel

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Song: Lips of an Angel By: Hinder

•|Third Person|•

Sam and Gabe broke up about 2 months ago. They both found someone new, but their new partners weren't the same. Gabriel called Sam one night.

S: Gabe, why are you calling me so late? It's kinda hard to talk right now.

Gabe couldn't even say anything. He was crying too much.

S: Gabe, why are you crying, is everything okay?

G: S-Sammy, hey. I-It's just...Danny...H-He...

Gabe burst into tears.

S: Well, Luci's in the next room, sometimes I wish he was you. I guess we never really moved on.

G: Y-Yeah Samsqautch. I guess we didn't. I still love you Sammy

Gabes crying was dying down.

S: It's really good to hear your voice, saying my name. It sounds so sweet, coming from the lips of an angel. Hearing those words, it makes me weak. And I never wanna say goodbye to Luci. But, Gabe, you make it hard to be faithful, with the lips of an angel.

G: That's so sweet Sam.

Gabe reared up hearing that come from Sam.

S: It's funny that you're calling me tonight.

G: I wanted to. And I've been dreaming of you. Have you been dreaming of me?

S: Yes I've dreamt of you too. Does Danny know you're talking to me? Will this start a fight?

G: He doesn't know. I told him I was going to the store. So I pulled into the parking lot of a gas station and called you. Does Luci know?

S: No, I don't think he has clue.

G: Sammy, I miss you. I want you back.

S: I do too Gabe. But what will Dan and Luci think?

G: We'll hook 'em up together.

S: Good plan. Road trip, for all of us. Meet at our old house in Lawrence.

G: K. Bye Sammy.

S: Bye.

They both hung up. Sam and Gabe went to sleep with their partners and the next morning the set-off.


"LUCI!! WAKE UP YOU DIP!!" San yelled at Lucifer.

"Why??? It's like 3 am!"

"It's 11:00." Now get up. We're going to Lawrence."


Sam rolled his eyes and picked up Luci, carried him to the bathroom and made him stand in front of the mirror. Sam got An outfit of Luci's that was casual but looked good. He changed Luci and fixed his hair.

"Are we going somewhere special in Lawrence?" Luci asks, clearly annoyed.

"We're going back to my old house. Deans there and he wants us to visit."

That, however, was a complete lie. Except for the fact that Dean is now living there with Castiel.



Arriving at Lawrence, Sam pulls Luci into the house. Which he still had the key to. He finds Dean and tells him the plan.

"Hey, Dean, Gabe called me last night and he wants to get back together. I do too. But we can't just leave Dan and Luci alone, so we're planning on hookin' 'me up together."

"Why are telling me this? You need my permission to do this?"

"No, Dean...We'll figure it out, never mind.

The front door opened again and Gabe and Dan walked in.

"Cassy! Hey, baby bro!" Gabe said, seeing Castiel and giving him a hug.

"Hello, Gabe. Random family reunion?"

"Me and Sam are gonna get back together and we're gonna hook Dan and Luci up together." He whispered into Cas' ear.

Cas nodded.

Sam saw Gabe and decided it was a good time. He walked over and made the scene.

"Gabey, you have no idea how much I miss yo-" Sam was cut off by Luci.

"Woah, Sammy."

"I'm sorry Luci...but I miss Gabe too much. And I still love him."

"Gabe?" Asked Dan.

"I still love him, Danny. I'm sorry." Gabe replied.

Gabe and Sam hug and kiss.

"Well... Danny." Luci said, walking over to him. "You're pretty. Wanna hook up?"

Danny checked Luci out before answering.


In the end, Sam and Gabe were back together and cuddling on the couch, Castiel and Dean banging in one of the bedrooms, and Luci and Dan doing...whatever the fuck they were doing.

This was longer than I planned it to be. Also, I couldn't come up with anything for Luci and Dan to do so...Ya!

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