(Destiel) Orgasm Magic

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Warning: Sexual Content


Cas has this power. He uses it to his advantage all the time. It's not just during sex when he does it either. We could be out, working a case, buying food or talking to authorities and here comes Cas with his fucking power and makes me cum in my pants with intense pleasure and I have to fight to not moan out loud. (Was gonna put that Dean makes him pay for it once back to motel or bunker but we all know Dean is not a top)


Cas and I are out talking with the Lincoln Nebraska authorities about disappearances in the local area. Sam is talking with one of the vic's family members at their house.

While talking with the police, I feel a small tingle in my nether regions and know that Cas is doing the damn thing again. It always starts out as a small tingle and then builds up until I can't hold back anymore and just explode. I can ignore it for now but knowing Cas he'll build it up faster depending on how long the conversation lasts.

From the stand point of the conversation at the moment, I know that he's gonna build it up as fast as possible before the convo is over just to see me attempt to keep in my moans. I know his thinking. He may be an angel and I may not know all of what he does but I know what he's thinking when he makes IT happen. He's just thinking about how long it's gonna be till we're back in the motel and he can fuck my brains out. The feeling is intensifying and I think I might be able to win this one.

The moment I think that Cas brings up the intensity by at least 50% and I don't think I can hold it out much longer. I try to keep the convo with the officer going on topic but he sees the distress on my face and asks if I'm okay. I tell him that I'm fine and that's when Cas decides to put it on full throttle and I cannot possibly hold it back anymore.

I fight as hard as I can to not make a complete fool of myself and moan out loud as Cas makes me orgasm with nothing but pure pleasure and intensity. (I've used the word intense a lot, I know, sorry) My legs go weak and I fall to the ground. The officer bends down and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"You alright, agent?" He asks, small worry in his voice.

"Yes, he is. He has a medical condition that the doctors have not yet diagnosed but it isn't bad enough to resign his badge." Cas jumps in to say.

I regain my composure and stand up, brushing off the grime from my suit. I look over at Cas and see that he has a smug look on his face. Like he's accomplished a mission.

"You should get some rest, agent. You look like you could collapse again at any moment." The officer says. "I'll call you if I see anything."

"Thank you for your time, officer," Cas says, putting his arm around me to hold me up.

I lean into him and walk with him to his pimp ass car. He opens the passenger side door and sets me inside, then walking around to the driver's side. He still has the smug ass look on his face and I already know what's gonna happen when we get back to the motel.

He's gonna let me go in first, walk in after me, slam the door shut while slamming me into the wall. Then an intense make-out session where he, of course, wins the battle of tongues. Clothes will then be ripped off, he throws me on the bed and uses his angel mojo to create friction on my dick while fucking me.

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